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SOLVED: Media Identification - Printable Version

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Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

I recently set up Jellyfin through portainer. I have the service running but it does not seem to recognize the media I am putting into it. I have researched a lot about this issue and I have tried my best to update file permission/ownership but nothing seems to work. 

Attached are photos showing the issue I am having.[attachment=5005][attachment=5005]

RE: Media Identification - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-09-22

You're not mounting the volumes correctly.

You're missing the whole ": /config" part as an example.

Here's an example of how you're supposed to format those volume lines:
      - /volume1/docker/jellyfin/cache:/cache:rw
      - /volume1/docker/jellyfin/config:/config:rw
      #- /volume1/<path-to-folder>/shows:/shows:rw
      #- /volume1/<path-to-folder>/movies:/movies:ro
      #note: (:rw = read/write) & (:ro = read only)

RE: Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

I see what you're saying. I set up a volume in docker where I am going to store my data called "Jellyfin"        

From there I went into the Volume I created and made the movies/shows/music files I want Jellyfin to access. I made sure to chmod them to 775.    

I then took your above advice and changed my portainer stack to match what you posted above.    

Then in my jellyfin settings I remapped my volumes to match what I added. When I was putting them in they only allowed me to select from /movies,/music,etc. (and not the full filepath) so I figured that waas a good sign.    

I then added a movie, this time just giving it 777 perms for good measure in hopes it would work    

But the movie does not show up. I manually scanned all my libraries in the dashboard and it did not work.

Thank you for your help on the above post though. I would greatly greatly appreciate if you could help me sort this out.

RE: Media Identification - theguymadmax - 2024-09-22

Give this guide a look through, especially this part:
"the most common things I see is some variation of "I ran 'chmod 777' on my library and Jellyfin still can't see my files".  And that is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of Linux permission concepts.  Specifically the concept that for a user to be able to access a particular file they need permission to navigate through every single folder leading to the file."

RE: Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

considering i set the full filepath to 775 i dont think this is a problem with linux file permissions. I have a base understanding of file permissions what i dont have is an understanding of how docker/jellyfin interacts with the file system. I know 777 only gives write permissions to all users compared to 775 but at this point im just throwing darts at a dart board and hoping something sticks.

RE: Media Identification - TheDreadPirate - 2024-09-22

Why is everything in /var/lib/docker? Did you put your movies and other media in that directory?

Move your content to /media on the host. Much shallower directory structure and you don't have to fight with permissions and, possibly, ACLs as much.

RE: Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

I have everything in /var/lib/docker because i was (and am) under the impression that for a docker container to access files stored on your pc they need to be in a docker volume.

I created a docker volume called jellyfin_media and jellyfin_config as to my understanding thats how I would let jellyfin access my files through the container.    

in my mind the volume syntax goes [path to the docker volume you want to store your files in on your host pc]:[path to where those files will be stored inside the container]
so i set mine up as 
/var/lib/docker/volumes/jellyfin_media : /media    

I tried to do what you just said and put my files into the media folder in my root dir as well as in a media file in my home dir and neither of these worked because i dont know what the sytax for the volume would be. I tried to do /home/conner/media/movies: /movies but that did not populate jellyfin with anything.

If I go into the container console I can see the directories I made but they are completely empty    

EDIT: Something interesting I found while going through my container file system, there is a music, tv, and media folder in the root driver and each of them have a tv, movies, music dir inside of them. Im not sure at all why thats the case but it might hint at where im messing up in terms of volume configuration    

EDITx2: I realised that in my compose i accidentally put mdeia insead of movies and it seemed like all 3 of those volumes that I made are updating on my host machine with the tv, movies, and music dirs except that theyre empty and dont have the movies/music I put into them

(also i did not mean to mark this as solution and I dont know how to unmark it as solution)

RE: Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

This is as close as Ive gotten, I put music, movies, and tv into a folder in the container called media. I then mapped the individual host pc dirs to the containers dirs so they dont all populate with movies,tv, and music. That being said the files I put into those folders do not appear.


I hope ive narrowed down the problem enough for you guys to assist, i am trying my best to self diagnose

RE: Media Identification - theguymadmax - 2024-09-22

Your file permissions are incorrect; the owner and group shouldn't be set to root. As mentioned earlier, please follow this guide.

RE: Media Identification - akon718 - 2024-09-22

the screenshot youre refrencing is the console of the container not my host pc. they are root because the container does not have any other users besides root.

Attached is a screenshot of the file permission of the files themselves. One of them has my user as group and the other has jellyfin as group to test both even though since I sed PUID and PGID to 1000 1000 they should both be my user. Neither of them show up.