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Tv episode thumbnails not recognised - Printable Version

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Tv episode thumbnails not recognised - Atlantiantokra - 2024-09-23

I want custom episode images to display in nextup/continue watching but only if I have custom images, if there aren't custom images I want to use the show's thumbnail.
Previously I achieved this because the image priority is(was?):
show-thumb>episode-thumb>backdrop>show primary
If I had custom episode thumbnails then I just placed the episode thumbnails into the folder containing the episode then deleted the show and season thumbnails and everything displayed just fine.

All episode primary images used to be saved as \tvshow\season\metadata\filename.ext.jpg but now episode primaries are being saved as \tvshow\season\filename-thumb.jpg which is the file path previously used by episode thumbnails.
When using the UI to select an episode's thumbnail it doen't get saved to the shows folder anywhere which means the only way I've found to make this work is to go onto every individual episode in the UI and add the images manually, I don't really want to do that because the shows I want to use custom thumbnails for tend to be ones with a lot of episodes.

If the change of episode image path isn't a bug and was intentional then what name and path do I now need to use to get jellyfin to identify images in the folder as episode thumbnails?