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SOLVED: Primary Image in Movie Folder not dsiplaying correctly - Printable Version

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Primary Image in Movie Folder not dsiplaying correctly - Draega - 2023-08-27

Hello. I installed Jellyfin server the other day for the first time and have been playing around with it. 
Only issue I am having is that in My Movies folder it is displaying some of the movie posters correctly but most are wrong. If I do a refresh metadata replace all metadata replace existing images then it fixes all the movie posters and they all look correct. But when a library scan happens then it reverts back to most of them looking wrong. Movie folder looks the same using the Android TV app on a Shield and using the browser on my PC. 
Any ideas as to why it might be doing this? 
The server is running Ubuntu Linux 22.04.3 on a AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor. 8 gigs of ram.

RE: Primary Image in Movie Folder not dsiplaying correctly - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-27

In your library settings in the dashboard, change the priority for the image grabbers and see if that helps.

RE: Primary Image in Movie Folder not dsiplaying correctly - Draega - 2023-08-27

That didn't work but it it did lead me to a solution.
Most of my movies were scraped years ago for XBMC and the third party tool I used made a (name of movie).jpg file in the movie folder. If that is present then you get what I was experiencing. Whenever a scan was run it would default to that picture. Files removed and problem solved.  Thumbs-up