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SOLVED: Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - Printable Version

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Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - jayjay - 2023-08-28

Hi, I have an HP Thin Client T530 running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS.

Installed and running Jellyfin. Device IP address & port

Connected via the IP address locally and configured Jellyfin. Connected via Jellyfin app and Swiftfin app. Confirmed able to connect via tailscale using tailscale IP address and same port.

Unfortunately I can now only connect via the loopback address locally on Ubuntu - I can no longer connect via the IP address from Ubuntu or any other device, locally or via tailscale with the 100.x.

Jellyfin web

Local HTTP port number:

Bind to local network address:,,,,,

I added the last entry just now but still no luck.
rebooted Ubuntu, no luck.
stopped and started Jellyfin service, no luck.

sudo ufw status
Status: inactive

sudo systemctl status jellyfin
jellyfin.service - Jellyfin Media Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/jellyfin.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/jellyfin.service.d
Active: active (running) since Sun 2023-08-27 23:33:28 NZST; 1 day 8h ago
Main PID: 1071 (jellyfin)
Tasks: 21 (limit: 8162)
Memory: 635.6M
CPU: 4min 51.907s
CGroup: /system.slice/jellyfin.service
└─1071 /usr/bin/jellyfin --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/ --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpe>
Aug 29 08:01:10 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:01:10] [INF] Using LAN addresses: [,,]
Aug 29 08:02:35 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:02:35] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : [,,]
Aug 29 08:02:35 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:02:35] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : []
Aug 29 08:02:35 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:02:35] [INF] Using LAN addresses: [,,]
Aug 29 08:04:17 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:04:17] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : [,,]
Aug 29 08:04:17 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:04:17] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : []
Aug 29 08:04:17 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:04:17] [INF] Using LAN addresses: [,,]
Aug 29 08:06:56 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:06:56] [INF] Defined LAN addresses : [,,]
Aug 29 08:06:56 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:06:56] [INF] Defined LAN exclusions : []
Aug 29 08:06:56 MediaServer jellyfin[1071]: [08:06:56] [INF] Using LAN addresses: [,,]

sudo ss -tulwn | grep LISTEN
tcp  LISTEN 0      4096                    *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      4096                  *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      10                            *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      128                          *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      10                            *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      512                          *         
tcp  LISTEN 0      128                                        [::1]:631          [::]:*         
tcp  LISTEN 0      4096  [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]:50657        [::]:*

ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp1s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether xxxxxxxx brd xxxxxxxx
inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp1s0
valid_lft 48814sec preferred_lft 48814sec

Ubuntu Firefox
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at

If I connect using a different computer on the LAN, I get the following error.
This site can’t be reached192.168.1.33 refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

I'm unsure where I can find the logs for this. Can anyone advise where the logs can be located.

Any suggestions on what I can do to access Jellyfin again via the IP address and why it has stopped responding to it.

RE: Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-28

You should see in your ss command. Meaning it binds to all available addresses. It is only binding to the loopback. Can you give us your full jellyfin log? And your network.xml.


RE: Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - jayjay - 2023-08-28

(2023-08-28, 09:17 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: You should see in your ss command.  Meaning it binds to all available addresses.  It is only binding to the loopback.  Can you give us your full jellyfin log?  And your network.xml.


Thanks, added, restarted jellyfin service, still unable to connect via IP address. I haven't rebooted the Thin Client, wondering if that is necessary?

Log file attached.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Jellyfin permissions seem to be root and access file only. From my previous troubleshooting for getting the external storage working, I learnt that the others access need tob e create and delete files. Would this be the case here as well? Image attached

EDIT2: Emailed you the log.

RE: Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-29

You shouldn't add as a binding address. "Bind to local address" should be blank unless you have a specific reason for specifying something else. in ss just indicates that it is listening on that port on all interfaces.

Otherwise your log doesn't show anything obviously wrong.

Also, just because ufw is not active doesn't mean that iptables is off. ufw is just a tool to simplify iptables. It is probably blocking your connections, which is the default behavior (except localhost).

sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw allow 9222

RE: Unable to connect via IP address. Only connects via loopback. - jayjay - 2023-08-29

(2023-08-28, 10:17 PM)jayjay Wrote:
(2023-08-28, 09:17 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: You should see in your ss command.  Meaning it binds to all available addresses.  It is only binding to the loopback.  Can you give us your full jellyfin log?  And your network.xml.


Thanks, added, restarted jellyfin service, still unable to connect via IP address. I haven't rebooted the Thin Client, wondering if that is necessary?

Log file attached.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: Jellyfin permissions seem to be root and access file only. From my previous troubleshooting for getting the external storage working, I learnt that the others access need tob e create and delete files. Would this be the case here as well? Image attached

EDIT2: Emailed you the log.

Thanks. Removing all binding ip addresses fixed the issue. Thanks for your help.