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No media found - Printable Version

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No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-29

Jellyfin refuses to discover and use metadata on content that exists. I've checked permissions and paths and both seem okay. Not sure what's going on.
^ logs

RE: No media found - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-29

All the outbound connections attempts to the metadata repos are timing out. Is your firewall blocking outbound connections?

I see you are using the LSIO docker image. Can you describe the rest of your setup? OS? Other virutalization?

RE: No media found - bitmap - 2023-08-29

I see TVDB plugin errors everywhere in there which are probably killing your media scans. Disable that for now, let your scan run through the first time and hopefully it'll add all your media. That log file is a mess for some reason...

RE: No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-30

(2023-08-29, 05:57 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: All the outbound connections attempts to the metadata repos are timing out.  Is your firewall blocking outbound connections?

I see you are using the LSIO docker image.  Can you describe the rest of your setup?  OS?  Other virutalization?

I tried disabling UFW but that didn't help. I don't have any other firewalls or router configurations either.

I'm running on Ubuntu server 22.04, most of my services are containerized through docker.

I usually connect to the server via tailscale VPN, but that's not caused me issues in the past, thought I'd mention it anyways though.

RE: No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-30

(2023-08-29, 06:00 AM)bitmap Wrote: I see TVDB plugin errors everywhere in there which are probably killing your media scans. Disable that for now, let your scan run through the first time and hopefully it'll add all your media. That log file is a mess for some reason...

Just tried this, a ton of the error messages went away but it didn't fix the problem, the media is still undiscovered and no relevant metadata has been downloaded to my knowledge.

RE: No media found - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-30

What metadata sources do you have enabled? Was TVDB the only one? And now it is off? Rescan and replace all metadata?

RE: No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-30

(2023-08-30, 03:23 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What metadata sources do you have enabled?  Was TVDB the only one?  And now it is off?  Rescan and replace all metadata?

I have AniDB, TVmaze, TMDb, Studio Images, Music Brainz, OMDb all enabled and active. I'll do a rescan and replace all.

EDIT: Replace all did not work.

RE: No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-30

Do you think it may be permissions? Permissions on the mkv files themselves are -rw-rw-r--

RE: No media found - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-30

What about for the directory? Jellyfin needs read permissions on the content, but it needs read and execute on the directories.

RE: No media found - PrimeQRF - 2023-08-30

(2023-08-30, 04:01 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What about for the directory?  Jellyfin needs read permissions on the content, but it needs read and execute on the directories.

So the directory I have all my shows in have permissions drwxrwxr-x, but the directory of a specific show has drwxr-xr-x.

Edit: changing those permissions didn't do anything