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[WebOS] Images load very slow with large libraries + possible mitigation - Printable Version

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[WebOS] Images load very slow with large libraries + possible mitigation - Host-in-the-Shell - 2024-10-10

So recently I acquired a new LG TV, model 50UR8050AUA (specs), and my WebOS version is 8.3.1-3607 (number1-nameri). Dev mode is enabled and the Homebrew Channel is deployed (non rooted). I've uninstalled all crapware apps that came preinstalled, and only have Jellyfin WebOS (official app store), dev mode, homebrew channel and youtube ad free installed.

I've noticed that performance was abysmal when loading a lot of pictures, like when you have a large library of films or a big collection of pictures, something that has been mentioned before on Github[1][2][3]; now, I don't use Github so I hope that it's okay for me to start this thread instead to talk about the issue plus some mitigations I was able to perform to make the loading times "acceptable".

When troubleshooting the issue, I saw a lot of mentions that image blurring was the issue, and that inserting some custom CSS could help improve performance. I tried various fixes I found online, but none of it worked. I disabled blur altogether in the user settings, and this improved things but still had significant slow downs. I went back to the drawing board and found several things that, when combined together, made the issue at least tolerable. I'm not sure if they are all needed, but since they all helped in my case in one way or another, I'll list them here:

  1. I connected to the server manually in the Jellyfin WebOS app (I typed by hand the complete server URL using a wireless keyboard) instead of selecting my server from auto discovery (or whatever is called). This helped massively with load times and general performance when using the app. The why is beyond me, but I'm sure there is some explanation for it.
  2. I went to my user settings > Display > and disabled 'Faster animations' and 'Enable blurred placeholders for images'.
  3. Also in Display, I reduced paging size to 48. 24 is even faster in case you want more speed, but obviously the media displayed when browsing your collection will reduce significantly in number. 48 was a good compromise for me.
  4. (optional) Try and avoid using complex .ASS subtitles if you can: Even though this TV supports the format for direct play, if they happen to be complex with lots of colors and details,  they slow the Jellyfin app to a crawl.

A honorable mention goes to blocking LG domains that serve ads and other useless stuff on the DNS level. I had this enabled from the start since I use pihole, but I speculate having this can improve your device's overall performance.

Ultimately, I feel this is a problem I created for myself by having such a massive library (1,522 films and counting), but I wish there was a way of improving the current behavior on the WebOS Jellyfin app. It often loads again some images that I loaded previously after scrolling down and then back to them once they were out of sight. If somehow some caching could be used, at least during the session, so they don't have to load multiple times so frequently... but of course, I'm not a dev and there's likely some limitation or problem with implementing this.

Anyway, hope this post helps out anybody facing similar problems.