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Media Player Issue - Printable Version

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Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

I'm having an issue where I can connect to my server through the browser, but in the media player, I get the error "We're unable to connect to the selected server right now.  Please ensure it is running and try again."

The thing is, the server is running -- I can go connect to it through the iOS app or in Firefox without an issue.  I tried connecting through Kodi and had the same issue too.

Jellyfin media player is whitelisted in Defender Firewall, along with the IP for my domain being whitelisted.  Additionally, I've reinstalled media player, including deleting all folders in Appdata.

Both the server and media player are the latest version (10.9.11 and 1.11.1 respectively).  The computer I'm trying to connect with is running Windows 10 22H2.

What might be causing this issue?  I've attached the media player logs below.  I suspect line 2024-10-16 22:45:22.202 may be an indication, but I'm unsure how to deal with it.


RE: Media Player Issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-17

Go to C:\Users\yourUser\appdata\local\, there will be a jellyfinmediaplayer and Jellyfin Media Player folder. Delete both and try again.

RE: Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

It's still giving me the same error. I've tried uninstalling the media player, deleting the folders, and reinstalling media player and it still tells me it can't connect.

RE: Media Player Issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-17

Repeat the steps in my last post, but also go to your server in a browser and delete all of the tokens for Jellyfin Media Player.

Dashboard > Devices. Delete all the tokens here for Jellyfin Media Player.

If that doesn't work, we can investigate more. It looks like you are using a reverse proxy. Which reverse proxy and do you have any security/XSS settings enabled?

RE: Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

Still no luck after removing all tokens.

I'm using a tunnel on Localtonet with a custom domain to connect.

Apart from whitelisting the domain on my computer and whitelisting the Localtonet application on the server, I don't think I've messed with the security settings.

Looking at the request logs for the tunnel service, nothing shows up when I try to connect with the media player application.

RE: Media Player Issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-17

Can you share the server logs via pastebin?

And how does Localtonet work? Does your domain point to some IP that Localtonet manages? Or does your domain point to your home WAN IP?

RE: Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

I've had a development. Jellyfin media player just decided to start working. I did move buildings, but I'm still on the same network (campus student wifi). Media player did not work on housing internet, which we outsource to another company.

As for Localtonet, it allows me to remotely connect to my server without port forwarding on the internet router. As I don't have access to do that on campus, it's now I remote connect in. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's pretty nifty.

There's other services that are similar, like playit, ngrok, cloudflare, and more. There's a github page with several dozen tunnel services listed, if you're interested.

RE: Media Player Issue - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-17

I was curious mainly for the task of troubleshooting. My Jellyfin, and other services, are exposed to the Internet via Nginx. No tunneling or proxies.

RE: Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

So, the issue gets weirder.

I'm back on the housing internet and it's not working again. Interestingly, it started working when I moved buildings in the middle of the day. But I was still on the campus student internet -- Same network!

Does Nginx require access to the router or any other network equipment? If not, I might give that a shot. Things are a little more difficult on the more restrictive campus internet.

RE: Media Player Issue - bandguymichael - 2024-10-17

Opened command prompt and typed ipconfig /flushdns and media player seems to be working now. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!

Edit: Now there's a new issue. I'm getting one of two errors when I try to play media through the media player. It's one of the following:

Playback failed with error "loading failed"
Playback failed with error "unrecognized file format"

I tried the repair function in the media player installer, along with loading the server installer to try updating it with no luck. I also tried clearing all tokens and trying to load the media both with and without hardware acceleration enabled.

Edit 2: Full reinstall of media player fixed the second issue