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Can't add media folder to library - Printable Version

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Can't add media folder to library - JacquiD - 2023-08-31

Jellyfin won't accept media path.

I have the following folder setup for Jellyfin:

Jellyfin is the default user and owner of this folder.

When I try and add this folder to a library, Jellyfin says it is not found.  The drive is mounted and I can access the folder from file manager, etc.  Given that jellyfin is the owner, I don't think permissions is the issue, but have no idea where else to look.

Running Jellyfin 10.8.10 on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS.

Any ideas on what to check next

BTW, I am new to linux, so really not sure what I am doing (though did get Samba up and running).

RE: Can't add media folder to library - TheDreadPirate - 2023-08-31

Even if Jellyfin is the owner of that last media folder, the jellyfin user needs to be able to get to that folder. If it doesn't have permissions on one of the folders above it then jellyfin can't get to the folder it owns.

For a user to navigate down to a folder they own, they need read and execute permissions on every directory above it.

chris@rat-trap:~$ ls -ld /media/ /media/library/ /media/library/Movies/
drwxr-xr-x  6 root  root     4096 Aug 18 23:45 /media/   <-----All users have read and execute permission.
drwxrwxrwx 17 root  root     4096 Aug 25 23:14 /media/library/     <-----Mount point for HDD. Defaults to 777 (wide open, no restrictions).
drwxrwx--- 75 chris jellyfin 4096 Jul 24 01:31 /media/library/Movies/   <-----Jellyfin group has full permissions.  Movies library pointed here.