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Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - Printable Version

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Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - CleverId10t - 2024-10-20

On the current 10.10 beta Docker release on Ubuntu 22.04 with HWE kernel 

All testing is on a completely clean instance with no additional plugins installed and with a test library.

My music collection is from CD's ripped to Flac with Exact Audio Copy, and then tagged via Picard using the below "script"

%album% $if2(%catalognumber%,%barcode%,%asin%)/
$if($and(%albumartist%,%tracknumber%),$num(%tracknumber%,2) ,)
$if(%_multiartist%,%artist% - ,)

I'm seeing some albums where the multiple disks are shown correctly in Jellyfin, but for others the multiple disks are not shown but instead, the name of one of the CD's is shown

As an example is shown as "Tracid Traxx Compilation Vol. 2 CD 1" and has a single track listing with duplicate track 1, track 2 etc.

From the Jellyin logs, I see "Discarding ID3 tags because more suitable tags were found.", but no errors.

It is possible to manually edit the metadata of each track in Jellyfin, but I would prefer to find an automated method if at all possible.

To be able to provide a sample of all of the tracks, I tried chopping all bar the first 5 seconds of audio of all of the tracks with the below (from a shell in the Jellyfin docker container using the Jellyfin ffmpeg), but the chopped versions does not display the issue!

for f in *.flac; do /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i "$f" -ss 0 -t 5 -c copy "chopped/${f%.flac}.flac"; done

Any suggestions on how to progress with this would be welcomed.

RE: Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-20

Is Picard tagging both the "standard" fields and the ID3 fields?

RE: Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - CleverId10t - 2024-10-20

Within Docker I ran

/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffprobe -v quiet -of json -show_entries format /Demo/Tracid\ Traxxx\ Volume\ 2\ -\ Three\ Years\ of\ Tracid\ Traxxx\ TTX\ CD\ 02/2-01\ Kai\ Tracid\ -\ Your\ Own\ Reality.flac > 2-01.json

Which after truncating the data in the TRACTOR4 line, looks like the below (without the additional line spacing that appears to be added by the "code" formatting).

    "format": {
        "filename": "/Demo/Tracid Traxxx Volume 2 - Three Years of Tracid Traxxx TTX CD 02/2-01 Kai Tracid - Your Own Reality.flac",
        "nb_streams": 1,
        "nb_programs": 0,
        "nb_stream_groups": 0,
        "format_name": "flac",
        "format_long_name": "raw FLAC",
        "start_time": "0.000000",
        "duration": "442.746667",
        "size": "53610608",
        "bit_rate": "968691",
        "probe_score": 100,
        "tags": {
            "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID": "904a281b-bc73-4984-8e4e-ec6777e48aa0",
            "ALBUMARTISTSORT": "Various Artists",
            "ARTISTSORT": "Tracid, Kai",
            "ORIGINALYEAR": "2001",
            "CATALOGNUMBER": "TTX CD 02",
            "RELEASETYPE": "album;compilation",
            "album_artist": "Various Artists",
            "BARCODE": "4014235200216",
            "RELEASECOUNTRY": "DE",
            "disc": "2",
            "MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID": "dbad9581-29ba-4767-99d3-4dfe3bf0a843",
            "track": "1",
            "TRAKTOR4": "dlVH)(+DC\"AAAA4wlZhtBAC\"BAAA::<snipped for brevity>",
            "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID": "daab3030-562b-4d12-82e3-ab64f7dd72e3",
            "SCRIPT": "Latn",
            "MEDIA": "CD",
            "TITLE": "Your Own Reality",
            "ARTISTS": "Kai Tracid",
            "TOTALTRACKS": "11",
            "INITIALKEY": "3d",
            "LABEL": "Tracid Traxxx",
            "BPM": "140",
            "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID": "89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377",
            "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID": "6546b116-81c8-4783-9219-19f6e8f3c020",
            "DATE": "2001-05-14",
            "ORIGINALDATE": "2001-05-14",
            "MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASEGROUPID": "6ee84f24-6896-46f9-8418-1a3cd68e42e5",
            "COMPILATION": "1",
            "GENRE": "Other",
            "ARTIST": "Kai Tracid",
            "TOTALDISCS": "2",
            "ALBUM": "Tracid Traxxx Volume 2 - Three Years of Tracid Traxxx",
            "TRACKTOTAL": "11",
            "DISCTOTAL": "2"

RE: Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - CleverId10t - 2024-10-22

Hi @TheDreadPirate did I misunderstand your question?

RE: Multi Disk Album Track Numbers - TheDreadPirate - 2024-10-22

You didn't, but I also don't have an answer. Technically FLAC doesn't support ID3v2 tags. But I am pretty sure Picard will automatically use proper FLAC supported tags, which appears to be the case.

Check the open/closed github issues, and if there aren't any for your issue you can create a new one.