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Remove video & audio links ? - Printable Version

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Remove video & audio links ? - DirecTV - 2023-09-01

Hi guys n gals, is there a way to remove these links from showing ? Video & audio shows and it doesn't look good with the embedded stuff in it thank you.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - bitmap - 2023-09-01

Are you talking about the information regarding the video and audio streams? I don't believe so, as that's where you select different streams if your media has different video or audio options.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - DirecTV - 2023-09-01

(2023-09-01, 09:58 PM)bitmap Wrote: Are you talking about the information regarding the video and audio streams? I don't believe so, as that's where you select different streams if your media has different video or audio options.

Yeah, it just looks ugly with that extra torrent crap showing  Weary-face

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - bitmap - 2023-09-01

You could...rename your files?

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - DirecTV - 2023-09-02

I did, it's hard coded into the files so renaming the files doesn't work sadly.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - bitmap - 2023-09-02

You can change this with MKVToolnix or another CLI/GUI tool. It's just the title of the stream. I believe ffmpeg might even be able to change this metadata, though I haven't bothered in the past.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - DirecTV - 2023-09-02

Thanks bro, on fire stick it doesn't show it so that's the main thing same on my emby server it doesn't show on firestick but emby loads to slow jellyfin seems to be faster so I will delete emby today. Wasted money on a lifetime key for emby, I like jellyfin more, more options with open source. Thank you for helping appreciate you do bro!

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - Dex Luther - 2023-09-03

I believe those can be removed by applying custom CSS that doesn't have them. I had to reapply them because I'm using CSS that didn't include that extra information. I don't remember what tags they are, but with some CSS skill you can probably figure it out.

Honestly though, bitmap's suggestion is probably better. That information is/can be handy, so removing it would be a shame. Cleaning up the track labels is more involved, but probably better in the long run.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - bitmap - 2023-09-03

Without getting into the weeds, even release group can come in handy, so stream title changes should definitely reflect your preferences, but eliminating all of the extra info for aesthetic sake may not be entirely desirable.

RE: Remove video & audio links ? - Dex Luther - 2023-09-04

(2023-09-03, 03:59 PM)bitmap Wrote: Without getting into the weeds, even release group can come in handy, so stream title changes should definitely reflect your preferences, but eliminating all of the extra info for aesthetic sake may not be entirely desirable.

That's why I keep that information in the filename (Thanks Sonarr!), and use MKVtoolsnix to clean up the track labels and make them uniform. Some groups leave them blank or fill them with superfluous information, so I created a batch file (started mostly for Dual Audio anime BDs but I use it for most things).

@echo off
set nix="C:\Program Files\MKVToolNix\mkvmerge.exe"
:: Sets English Audio Track
Set EnglishAudio=1
Set ENau="English Audio"
:: Sets Japanese Audio
Set JapaneseAudio=2
Set JPau="Japanese Audio"
:: Sets Signs & Song Subtype
Set Signs=3
Set JPSub="Signs & Songs"
:: Sets Full Dialogue Subtype
Set Full=4
Set Fullsubs="Full Subtitles"
If not exist "%cd%\Output\.ignore" (
md "%cd%\Output\"
Type nul >"%cd%\Output\.ignore"
Type nul >"%cd%\.ignore"
FOR /F "delims=*" %%A IN ('dir /b ^*.MKV') DO (
Title %%~nA
%nix% -o ^"Output\%%A^" ^
--title "%%~nA" ^
--track-name 0:"%%~nA" ^
--language 0:en ^
--default-track 0:yes ^
--track-name %EnglishAudio%:%ENau% ^
--default-track %EnglishAudio%:yes ^
--language %EnglishAudio%:en ^
--track-name %JapaneseAudio%:%JPau% ^
--default-track %JapaneseAudio%:no ^
--language %JapaneseAudio%:ja ^
--default-track %Signs%:no ^
--forced-track %Signs%:no ^
--track-name %Signs%:%JPSub% ^
--language %Signs%:en ^
--default-track %Full%:yes ^
--forced-track %Full%:no ^
--track-name %Full%:%Fullsubs% ^
--language %Full%:ja ^
--track-order 0:0,0:%EnglishAudio%,0:%JapaneseAudio%,0:%Signs%,0:%Full% ^

If the OP returns (or anyone else stumbling on this thread), they might find it useful. Just set the track numbers at the top. If the files don't have 2 audio and/or subtitle tracks, just set the second one to a track number that doesn't exist in the file. MKVMerge just skips "missing" tracks.

The code above could be modified (or rewritten) to work with FFmpeg, which comes bundled with Jellyfin, instead, but it seems a little more involved. You'd have to use the -metadata
-metadata:s:a:0 title="One"
sets title One to audio 0.
-metadata:s:a:1 title="Two"
sets title Two to audio 1.
-metadata:s:a:0 language=eng
sets English language for audio 0.
-metadata:s:a:1 language=spa
sets Spanish language for audio 1.