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Constant Install Issues - Printable Version

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Constant Install Issues - ApeinHisApex - 2023-09-02


I had jellyfin running somewhat successfully for a year or so on my main windows PC. However I built a media center PC, also windows 10, and the jellyfin server I have installed on it cannot go more than a few days without a major issue.

A shot list of issues I recall:

I eventually lose access, despite my credentials never changing. My Server shows on local devices and web UI but my login details dont work OR it just 'cannot be accessed'.
Forgot password button gives me the 'must be on the home network' error even though I am.
And most recently the server would not auto start on boot up and clicking the tray app would open it for about 2 seconds and then it force closed. Reinstalling got it to stay open but now my login once again doesnt work.

Before I get into install spec's I want to apologize in advance that I am the level of savvy where all my relatives think Im great at this but have no idea how to alter an SQL database or CLI my way through a Linux install without lots of copy and pasting. So I really cannt stress enough that I am sure the root cause is just a stupid mistake on my part.

On the other hand my install is also as basic as can be:

Windows 10 PC
Mostly clean install. Was built a month or so ago and doesnt really have much else on it. (Only local network apps are Nomachine and Sunshine/Moonlight for remote desktop)
I did make a valiant effort to set up direct 10G connection between the two PC's but that shouldn't be related? Would have been on the separate 10G NIC I now dont use.
Jellyfin 10.8.10
All media on one HDD
All software installed on a separate OS drive.
Only streaming to home: from Jellfyin media Player on the Media Center PC and streaming to TVs and phone at home. No proxies, etc.

At one point it got bad enough that I went scorched earth and deleted every possible Jellyfin file and folder as all new installs kept showing remnants of previous servers. So logs likely aren't that helpful as current install is right after that.

Please help me avoid even thinking about Plex again. Jellyfin is wonderful when it works and on my main PC its done exactly that.

Lastly, if any of this sounds windows specific I am open to going back to Linux for my media center. I just got overwhelmed by it and went back to windows. But everything on it has a linux version. Again, Im just smart enough to get in the weeds. Baby

Thanks for your time either way! Love seeing the awesome app JF has grown into.

RE: Constant Install Issues - use7 - 2023-09-03

I unfortunately am unsure why your user would become unrecognized, possibly someone else here uses windows and sees/knows something that I'm missing.  In terms of other things though in order to get your lan recognized you have to put it into the field in the dashbord (Dashbord -> Networking [under the 'advanced' secton on the sidebar] -> LAN networks and you'll want to fill in your address space, e.g. for many routers, may be something like for internal or depending on how your network has been set up).

Looking at the file log_20230902.log I see that you loose your login token and then see that your user is unrecognized:
[2023-09-02 08:19:02.644 -04:00] [INF] [68] Jellyfin.Api.Auth.CustomAuthenticationHandler: "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid token."
and then (
[2023-09-02 08:19:05.593 -04:00] [ERR] [105] Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.UserManager: Error authenticating with provider "Default"

MediaBrowser.Controller.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Specified user does not exist.

I'm not positive what may be causing this, but my knee-jerk reaction would be that an antiviral (or windows optimization/etc.) may be 'cleaning' out the JF user database causing this problem?  I think the default location for saving data is C:\ProgramData\Jellyfin\Server; you may want to look through any Windows logs/antiviral logs to see if that file path is brought up at all?  This also may be a red herring since you said that you've reinstalled the server and then this failed; so if you tried to reinstall and didn't set up your users again JF wouldn't recognize your username and would result in this issue. 

For the failing to boot you can try to look through the Windows event manager and/or turn on debugging logging in JF ( and see if there's any smoking gun in the log files.

RE: Constant Install Issues - ApeinHisApex - 2023-09-03

Thank you! Lots to learn so I appreciate all the leads. Will update if I find anything.