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How can donate money ? - Printable Version

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How can donate money ? - kartel - 2023-09-03

I always used the app on my LG and recently got a Apple TV and swift in is amazing I don’t see a way to send money to help with the development of swiftfin specifically

RE: How can donate money ? - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-03

I don't think there was ever a way to donate money to a specific app.

As for donations, in general, the Jellyfin project is pretty well funded for the foreseeable future and I recall that the core team decided to close donations for now.

RE: How can donate money ? - bitmap - 2023-09-03

I think you can still donate here:

However, @TheDreadPirate is correct, the core team made a post on the site that shan't be uttered before we migrated (or some of us did) here that said a few things. I don't want to put words in their mouths, but they're not interested in bounties or money to push development forward. I was trying to avoid it, but here's the thread:

RE: How can donate money ? - Dex Luther - 2023-09-04

(2023-09-03, 05:07 PM)kartel Wrote: I always used the app on my LG and recently got a Apple TV and swift in is amazing I don’t see a way to send money to help with the development of swiftfin specifically

A good way to support the team would be telling your friends (especially those with media libraries) how good Jellyfin is.

Since Jellyfin isn't currently looking for donations if you use plugins, You could support Jellyfin indirectly by finding the plugin's github and buying them a coffee.