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Roku App Cannot Connect via IP Address - Printable Version

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Roku App Cannot Connect via IP Address - Smiles_OBrien - 2023-09-04

Hello all,

Sorry if this has been asked before, my brain is mush at the moment from working on my homelab and this is annoying me:

I've been working on getting Jellyfin and other applications to be accessible via a reverse proxy (HAProxy running on a PFSense router). Prior to this, Roku could access my Jellyfin via local IP address (Static IP 192.168.x.y:8096). Now my Roku box cannot find my jellyfin server via IP. Only by the domain name ( I can access it via IP on my computer and phone. It's just my Roku.

I'm being stubborn about this since my Roku stays in my house, I don't particularly want it to route out to the internet, just to come back to the app running on a server in the next room.

Here's my setup - let me know if you need any additional info.
  • PFSense router handling certificates and reverse proxy
  • Openmediavault running docker / portainer. This has a static IP of 192.168.x.y
  • Jellyfin running in a docker container - port is 8096

Also, please tell me if you think I'm making mountains our of molehills here.

RE: Roku App Cannot Connect via IP Address - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-04

My guess is that your router is forcing all connections to jellyfin to go through the proxy. But I'm just speculating. I've never used PFSense or HAProxy.

If your router supports NAT loopback (sometimes called NAT hairpin) even if you use the domain name your router will "loopback" the connection and keep it local.