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Remote control? - Printable Version

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Remote control? - joesixpack - 2023-09-04

I’m sitting on my patio.

Chromebook is handling playback with web client.

I’m sitting in a chair with a beer. Don’t really want to get up. 

Is there a way to control playback from here? That work’s be cool.

RE: Remote control? - bitmap - 2023-09-04

Seems like any HID compatible with your Chromebook would work. Take your pick -- wireless KB, mouse, combo (, a gaming controller would probably work, even an actual remote control with bluetooth capability would probably function.

I'm not aware of "second-screen" type capability though, which might be what you're hinting at. This seems like more of an Occam's Razor situation, though. Find the right peripheral, which probably already exists in your home.

RE: Remote control? - niels - 2023-09-05

You can uae the Jellyfin app on your phone to remotely control aupported Jellyfin clients. They will show up in the "play to" menu.