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"Latest" Movies and TV Shows - Printable Version

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"Latest" Movies and TV Shows - hackerpschorr - 2023-09-06

Hey guys, nice to see that you use your own forums now!

I have a question that came to me only recently, since I believe this behaviour was not the case a few weeks ago, but I could be wrong about that.

I don't understand the "Latest Movies" and "Latest TV Shows" section on the landing page anymore:

What i was expecting was, that movies and shows, where the file creation date is more recent than the others are "the latest" and this is equal to "date added".

The "date added" date is sometimes anything but the date I added the file to the library. There is a section in the admin dashboard "Display", where you can choose to use the file creation date as "date added" and "NFO Settings", where you can set the time format to look for in the NFO. Available Metadata always is preferred. When inspecting metadata (edit metadata) it says: "Set up how metadata for 'Date added' is determined in the Dashboard > Libraries > NFO Settings" - which is interesting, because as it seems, Date added is used from the NFO file IF it is found using the time format. Is this correct and how does this makes sense? Nevertheless, I always store without a NFO anyway.

So, what currently happens is, that for new files they sometimes don't get into those lists, even though they are the latest ones added. They dissapear in the Library, or get into the list and sometimes not before older files, which confuses me.

If i go into my "TV Shows" Library and sort for "Date added" the sorting is absolutely different to what I see on the landing page. Even seems accurate.

If i go into "Movies" and do the same, it seems to be equal to what I see on the landing page (excluding the already watched ones...), but there, movies that where definitely added the last, are not "the latest".

I am fairly confused now how latest movies and tv shows are determined and sorted.

Just want to see the latest added shows and movies as the first in the "latest" list on my landing page.

Thanks for clarifying!

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - JRPGod - 2023-09-10

From my personal experience - and I know this is far from a satisfying answer I'm sorry - but the latest section is simply buggy. My experience reflects yours.

I notice issues tend arise more when I add multiple new entries to the library at once. But when I add things one by one and let Jellyfin finish scraping them before adding the next new item, it works as intended.

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - DJ_Mutiny - 2023-09-10

I recently started having the same problem. and I don't know what's changed. Everything was fine, then all of a sudden 1 day, stuff gets added to library on the date of the file creation ie: 15 Apr 2014 instead of 10 Sep 2023, which means it gets buried in the library. I am curious to see what the issue is. Hopefully there is some replies soon! Thanks Legends!

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - TH35 - 2023-10-14

I'm not entirely clear what @hackerpschorr has their settings actually set to.

I'm having an issue with this lately as well. In my Dashboard>Libraries>Display menu, I have "Use file creation date" as the "date added" behavior, because I wanted to avoid "most recent" listings in situations where media is deleted and replaced by a better quality copy, or where Jellyfin removes and re-adds media.

All of a sudden recently, shows are not showing up on "Latest TV". So I investigated, and it seems as though certain of my files that are brand new episodes of brand new shows have file creation dates from 2004 or 2012. This is the date that Jellyfin is using (because of the above setting - the file creation date on your system) and that is why it is not showing as "latest".

If you change that setting to "date scanned into library", it *should* use the date Jellyfin found that file on your system, which *should* be today or yesterday or whatever day it was. I have changed the setting to that today and we'll see if it causes other issues.

My bigger issue is figuring out why the file creation dates are from years ago. I don't know if this is a brand new problem or something I just haven't noticed. But I don't believe the file creation date being backdated has anything to do with Jellyfin. It should have to do with the software that is creating/downloading the files in the first place, which is what I have to investigate. I think it may be due to the way I am downloading files (newsgroup) that is preserving the original file creation/modification dates, and that the dates may be wrong on the original creator's end which is carrying through to my download.

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - Deleted User - 2023-10-14

(2023-10-14, 03:54 PM)TH35 Wrote: My bigger issue is figuring out why the file creation dates are from years ago. I don't know if this is a brand new problem or something I just haven't noticed. But I don't believe the file creation date being backdated has anything to do with Jellyfin. It should have to do with the software that is creating/downloading the files in the first place, which is what I have to investigate. I think it may be due to the way I am downloading files (newsgroup) that is preserving the original file creation/modification dates, and that the dates may be wrong on the original creator's end which is carrying through to my download.

you would be correct in your assumption this is external to jellyfin, jellyfin (at least for me) has not yet changed a file creation date

what you would be looking for is the 'touch' command for linux -

that will enable you to set any date on the files you wish then jellyfin will use that when you have the setting enabled to use file creation date instead of scan date

there are equivalents for windows but i cannot link a specific source -

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - bitmap - 2023-10-14

Are there any external programs in your workflow? Such as the Servarr suite? There's an option in there that changes creation date. There's also settings on various other programs you might use (that are out of scope) that preserve file creation date. Those settings would create this behavior. Keep an eye out for anything like that.

RE: "Latest" Movies and TV Shows - abpjf - 2023-10-26

Part of my "cleanup" regimen before adding item(s) to JF is to run them through jmkvpropedit ( to remove all the various clutter tags that come with source files. Ends up re-writing the run date as the file creation date when that happens, thus everything new I add has that new timestamp which JF (so far) seems to correctly pick up.