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Connection Issues - Printable Version

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Connection Issues - Jordan - 2024-12-09

I am unable to connect to my JellyFin server. This has started happening after a power outage. It just pops up a box saying " We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again. " I am hosting on TrueNas and have reinstalled it. This has not solved this issue and I am out of ideas. Here is my Log File.

RE: Connection Issues - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-09

I don't see any issues in the log. Did your LAN IP change?

RE: Connection Issues - Jordan - 2024-12-12

how would i see what its ip is. The server is not being auto detected.

RE: Connection Issues - Jordan - 2024-12-12

It just seems no matter what i try it will not let me connect. Is there ports I need to forward?

RE: Connection Issues - wenzelja - 2024-12-12

Do you have a static IP address set in your router for the computer running the server. Sounds like your comuter rebooted and the router assigned a new local IP address. Go into your router settings and set the IP address as static that you have been using to connect all your devices (should be something like 168.192.1.XXX).

RE: Connection Issues - Jordan - 2024-12-12

I have a static ip assigned to the TrueNAS server. I just only get connection errors. here is my settings

RE: Connection Issues - wenzelja - 2024-12-12

Not familiar with Port 30013. The port normally used for Jellyfin access is 8096.

RE: Connection Issues - Jordan - 2024-12-12

it is for the ui to login to

RE: Connection Issues - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-13

Which clients do you use for Jellyfin? Just a browser? Have you cleared your browser cache. The fact that you get the prompt for selecting a server tells me something is responding but there is so mis-match in the browser or something.