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Grouping movies - Printable Version

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Grouping movies - perkunas - 2024-12-10

I'm trying to group movies together, disk1, disk2, disk3 ect. I cant get them grouped in order.
When I group them together, the drop down menu is messed up disk5, disk2, disk3  ect
How do you fix this.

RE: Grouping movies - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-10

Can you provide the full file names? And I'm assuming they are in the same folder.

RE: Grouping movies - perkunas - 2024-12-11

Same folder disk1.mp4, disk2.mp4, disk3.mp4, disk4.mp4, disk5.mp4

RE: Grouping movies - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-11

That isn't sufficient to trigger the grouping/merging functions.

Movie Name (1999)/
├── Movies Name (1999)-Part1.mkv
├── Movies Name (1999)-Part2.mkv
└── Movies Name (1999)-Part3.mkv

Note that there is no space before or after the dash. This is important for the "parts" syntax.

RE: Grouping movies - SubsBware - 2024-12-11

(2024-12-11, 02:06 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: That isn't sufficient to trigger the grouping/merging functions.

Movie Name (1999)/
├── Movies Name (1999)-Part1.mkv
├── Movies Name (1999)-Part2.mkv
└── Movies Name (1999)-Part3.mkv

Note that there is no space before or after the dash.  This is important for the "parts" syntax.

Does the  -Part# have to be the last thing in the file name?  For example I have..

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 1 - Extended Edition (2001) - 1080p
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 2 - Extended Edition (2001) - 1080p

I noticed it splits them up as if each Part is its own movie (which im guessing is due to the file naming format).

RE: Grouping movies - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-11

Yes. It has to be the last portion of the name. And, again, there cannot be a space before or after the dash.

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition (2001) - 1080p-part1
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring - Extended Edition (2001) - 1080p-part2

RE: Grouping movies - perkunas - 2024-12-12

Ok that worked thanks, but what if you wanted to group movies together like
Rocky 1, 2 , 3 ect.
This wouldn't be the "parts" syntax.
They are separate movies, I don't think "movies" works as a syntax.

RE: Grouping movies - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-12

Separate movies need to be in separate folders as they are considered separate entities by online DBs, because they are, and Jellyfin will treat them as such. Collections can be used to group movies in a series together.