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Jellyfin in proxmox container can't access media on synology drive - Printable Version

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Jellyfin in proxmox container can't access media on synology drive - dulenz - 2023-09-09

I have Jellyfin running in proxmox container.

I have added a storage to proxmox. It is a NFS share from my Synology drive. When I go to node shell and navigate to mount point I can see all the subfolders as they are on synology drive. It is a music folder with a bunch of ripped cds stored as folders by artist name.

Now, when I add that storage to a container as a resource (in Web interface) , when I go to the shell of the container and navigate to mount point. I can only see the mount point and not the subfolders on my synology drive. This is regardless of the user I log on, even as a root, I can't see them.

In Synology I did give NFS read/write privileges to the IP address of the container and I gave read/write privileges to all users for that shared folder. Container is running Jellyfin and I gave read/write privileges to all users that are defined in Jellyfin. Synology DSM is version 7.1.1 and NFS version is 4.1

The issue is that Jellyfin cannot see the contents of the media folder on a synology drive, I can't add any media to it.

When I created container I unchecked unprivileged container check box.

I am guessing this has to do something with priviliges on Synology drive but since I allowed all the users read/write access can't understand why is it happening.

Will runing Jellyfin in a virtual machine rather than container make any difference?

Any ideas what I might be missing?

RE: Jellyfin in proxmox container can't access media on synology drive - TheDreadPirate - 2023-09-09

Not sure if running Jellyfin in a VM will change things.

FYI, this might be better to ask on a Synology or ProxMox focused forum or subreddit. Since the problem is rooted in your NAS/ProxMox permissions and not Jellyfin.

Someone around here might come along that has a similar setup.

But my only tip is that the user your Jellyfin container is running as needs to have permissions to the share you mounted in ProxMox. For example, if only root has access to that share in ProxMox and the Jellyfin container is being run as your user (which is the typical advice) then yeah Jellyfin won't be able to access it.

RE: Jellyfin in proxmox container can't access media on synology drive - jamesatlinux - 2023-09-18

It took forever but it's about mounting to the Synology's shared folder as a client.