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Why did my IPv4 change? - Printable Version

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Why did my IPv4 change? - crambles - 2024-12-20

I got my Jellyfin server all set up a few weeks ago and all of a sudden after rebooting my computer today, I couldn't access Jellyfin using http://IPADDRESS:8096/. I was able to troubleshoot a bit by myself and realized that http://localhost:8096/ worked. Eventually I ran ipconfig in cmd prompt and found that my IPv4 address is different now. When I update my IP address to the new one listed in ipconfig everything works as expected again.

Why did this change? Was it triggered by something I did or does Comcast control this and change it sometimes? Is there any way to auto detect a change in the future?

RE: Why did my IPv4 change? - TheDreadPirate - 2024-12-20

LAN addresses are not static by default. You'd either need to set the IP on the PC to a static address or configure the router to always give the same address to your PC.