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Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - Printable Version

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Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - paulpsoucek - 2025-03-07

Surely Operator Error?
Tried the delete app and reinstall.
No dice.
I see that some others are hitting this "Jellyfin giveth, and taketh away" issue with Apple TV.
Any insights are welcomed and appreciated!

RE: Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - TheDreadPirate - 2025-03-07

What address, exactly, are you typing into the address bar?

Our apps will try a few variations of the port and protocol if you only provide an IP. IIRC, some Apple devices will fail all subsequent retries on the variations requiring that you fully type out the address with the protocol and port.

or whatever your actual local IP is.

RE: Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - paulpsoucek - 2025-03-10

Thank you, DreadPirate for your expert insights.
Working with a Mac as my local server, in the Apple TV app I have tried the IP listed in my Network settings, with the ":8096" suffix, and a host of others.
What happens is when I click "connect", nothin' happens.
I'll give your "" a whirl, cross my fingers, and click my heels.
I'll repeat that the Apple TV Jellyfin app was connecting beautifully for a short spell…then just stopped.

RE: Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - theguymadmax - 2025-03-10

The address "" is just an example. You should replace it with your own local IP address. Could you share the address you're entering? Your local IP is not sensitive information; it's your public IP address that you need to keep private.

RE: Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - paulpsoucek - 2025-03-10

Thank you, theguymadmax.
The IP for the Mac is (supposedly?), and the router is
I follow those with the ":8096", correct?
So frustrating…


RE: Apple TV Will No Longer Connect - paulpsoucek - 2025-03-10



For whatever reason, I put the into my problematic iPhone app, and it connected.

Fingers crossed for the same glory with Apple TV.

To be continued…