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Missing folders - Printable Version

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Missing folders - Anejey - 2023-06-25


My Jellyfin install is not detecting some of my library folders for some reason. I'm running it in an lxc container on Proxmox.

The way I have it setup is that I have two mounts (named plex1 and plex2) that are mounted on the lxc. Both mounts are in the group "smb" and I've added jellyfin user to it.

[Image: 0gwa7B7.png]

I've checked and as far as I can see, every single folder and file has the same exact permissions. There is virtually no reason why Jellyfin can see some folders but can't see other ones.

[Image: LeMcffr.png]

The "Other" folders don't get detected at all for whatever reason.

[Image: Pt9ykom.png]

I've tried recreating Jellyfin lxc several times, always the same result. My Plex container is set up in an identical way (folders mounted under smb group, plex user added in) and has no problem seeing every single file.

Any help is appreciated.

RE: Missing folders - Venson - 2023-06-25

Hey @Anejey

So far so good. Maybe you pick an example, a media file that is not detected by Jellyfin and we can work from there. Jellyfin does not "care" so much about folders per-se you could (not recommend though) just put all movies into one folder and JF would be fine with it, folders just "extend" the metadata to a certain degree but jellyfin itself looks for the actually media files.

However, we generally recommend a folder structure akin to this:

.../Movies/MOVIE NAME(YEAR)/MOVIE NAME(YEAR).extension
.../Series/Series NAME(YEAR)/Season XX/SERIES NAME(YEAR).SXX.EXX.extension

RE: Missing folders - Anejey - 2023-06-25

(2023-06-25, 12:48 PM)Venson Wrote: Hey @Anejey

So far so good. Maybe you pick an example, a media file that is not detected by Jellyfin and we can work from there. Jellyfin does not "care" so much about folders per-se you could (not recommend though) just put all movies into one folder and JF would be fine with it, folders just "extend" the metadata to a certain degree but jellyfin itself looks for the actually media files.

However, we generally recommend a folder structure akin to this:

.../Movies/MOVIE NAME(YEAR)/MOVIE NAME(YEAR).extension
.../Series/Series NAME(YEAR)/Season XX/SERIES NAME(YEAR).SXX.EXX.extension

Here is an example of a movie that gets detected:
[Image: KBEW1JI.png]

Here is a movie that doesn't:
[Image: zcDHMZm.png]

note: both movies were acquired through legal means

RE: Missing folders - Venson - 2023-06-25

> note: both movies were acquired through legal means

To that please read our rules on Piracy related matter and filenames.

Please format your images correctly. You have to use the image url of the image you want to embed not the url to imgur. To make that, rightclick on the image on imgur and then "Copy image Link"
Like this:
[Image: oZ8sU5j.png]

Tbo, first thing i would recommend is getting rid of all the clutter.

Jellyfin expected extra tags to be seperated by a minus sign "-" and also does not like the name seperated by dots.

So though it might work for some, its not reliable.
The doku clearly explains what JF expects the filename to be formatted like, to ensure more consistent discovery format it like in my example.

RE: Missing folders - Anejey - 2023-06-25

(2023-06-25, 01:13 PM)Venson Wrote: > note: both movies were acquired through legal means

To that please read our rules on Piracy related matter and filenames.

Please format your images correctly. You have to use the image url of the image you want to embed not the url to imgur. To make that, rightclick on the image on imgur and then "Copy image Link"
Like this:

Tbo, first thing i would recommend is getting rid of all the clutter.

Jellyfin expected extra tags to be seperated by a minus sign "-" and also does not like the name seperated by dots.

So though it might work for some, its not reliable.
The doku clearly explains what JF expects the filename to be formatted like, to ensure more consistent discovery format it like in my example.

It pretty much just fixed itself somehow. I renamed one of the movies to exactly how the wiki says, ran a couple of scans, absolutely nothing. Moved the movie one folder back, ran a scan, suddenly everything got detected.

I'm still missing some (319 out of 352 detected) but I reckon I just repeat the process couple of times and it'll fix itself.

EDIT: I got the opposite problem now. It's showing too many movies. 378 out of 352. I wonder where the extra ones come from, but I'll figure that out on my own.
EDIT2: If I remove the renamed movie and run another scan, everything disappears again. I guess I'll just have to leave it there.