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Playback Error with music Collections and Playlists - Printable Version

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Playback Error with music Collections and Playlists - Apprehensive_Ask3910 - 2023-11-06

New to Jellyfin, setup sever today, and whenever I try to play music collections or playlists on either web client or Android app, I get the message "This client isn't compatible with the media and the server isn't sending a compatible media format."
Tried playing different albums in collections separately - everything is working. Tried playing FLAC files separately - works as well. Anything I missed in the settings or maybe it's a known bug? Any help appreciated.
On PC it also show the loading wheel overlayed over the error.

RE: Playback Error with music Collections and Playlists - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-06

Can you share your logs with us?

RE: Playback Error with music Collections and Playlists - Apprehensive_Ask3910 - 2023-11-06

(2023-11-06, 02:14 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Can you share your logs with us?

Yeah, hi, I'm the same person who asked about it on Discord today. How can i upload the logs here?

RE: Playback Error with music Collections and Playlists - TheDreadPirate - 2023-11-06

Upload them to sourcebin, or another paste bin like site, and link back here. Redact any WAN IPs.