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SOLVED: Not all videos displaying - Printable Version

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Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-02

Greetings all...

I have been playing with JF for a few years now, and the problem I have encountered today I have never had before...

I have some training videos that I have put together, and I want to present them on a JF server (with some front end modifications).

The problem I am having is such:

The one course has 53 videos. I have generated the nfo files for each video as well as the main nfo file for the course. But video 49 (chapter 4Nerd-face does not display even though Jellyfin shows 53 videos in the course.

The folder hierarchy is as such:
    ./chapter 00
    ./chapter 01
    ./chapter 52

The coursename folder contains a tvshow.nfo with all the metadata for the course as a whole.

Each chapter folder contains the video, the nfo file with the video metadata and a jpeg that is listed in the nfo.

The library Training points to the folder /home/Jellyfin/media/training/ and is set as type "Other" and is set to automatically add titles.

Jellyfin reports that there are 53 videos, but video 49 isn't in the list when I open that particular course up.

I have tried deleting the folder and copying it back in. I have tried scanning the library again on all options available. I am running out of ideas short of editing the SQlite database by hand.

I am running JF 10.8.10 on a Debian 11 server (installed from repo). It is a x64 AMD server.

I have grep'ed the log files, but nothing referencing any unexpected messages or errors relating to the course.

Before I got shoulders deep into the SQlite database, what else can I check?

RE: Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-02

Update: I have paged through the TypedBaseItems table and I can account an entry for each and every Chapter except Chapter 48 (video 49). I am going to delete that folder off the server and copy it back in 10 minutes and see if it resolves it.

RE: Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-02

Update: no change... after deleting the folder I waited for Jellyfin to report 52 videos, then created a new folder and rsynced the files back for that folder. Now it says 53 videos but the missing video is still missing.

RE: Not all videos displaying - Venson - 2023-07-02

Maybe take a step back and look at the obvious issues.
Did you check your file namings? File Permissions?

RE: Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-04

Indeed I did. I even tried playing the entire video on SMPlayer to make sure it wasn't corrupted.

File permissions are 777 jellyfin:jellyfin

My software I wrote to process the courses only uses ASCII characters in filenaming and the only symbols allowed are .-_{}[]()

Here is the actual filename: Chapter 48 - Releasing our iOS App - Free Flutter Course [nV1x5-vLPoY] (1080p).mp4

An NFO and JPEG file exist in the same folder with the same names, just the suffix is different.

The NFO file is generated by my software, and it follows the same rules across the board. All the other videos seem to load, just not this one? I have reached a point now that I need to fix this, not out of urgency, but because it has become a challenge I want to complete. I love a good challenge.

The current use case is not for all the world. I am setting up a demo server with some courses I pulled off YT, purely to demonstrate to potential clients who I intend to provide said service for their training course, along with a set of custom playback apps.

Already have one client ready, but I need to show him a working example, and how a course can be ordered online, and the end user get's a log in a password for the app or webgui, and they only see the course they bought.

I am intending to host said clients in a local data center, each with their own VPS to meet their needs. My whole drive in my business is to sway clients that OpenSource is an ideal option as you can easily modify, customize and rebrand.

RE: Not all videos displaying - Venson - 2023-07-04

Hey @Ze'ev Schurmann

Couple of things:
1. The filename Chapter 48 - Releasing our iOS App - Free Flutter Course [nV1x5-vLPoY] (1080p).mp4 does not meet jellyfins naming convention. Its more to that then just "allowed symbols".
2. Where you get your media from, is non of our concern. I recommend you to read our rules on that matter
3. Although not technically "prohibited", many community members do not like to see our help we provide in our freetime used for your commercial success with this open and free software. Generally we do _not_ help setting up commercial solutions.

RE: Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-06

I do apologise.

I meant no offence...

The reality is, when an open source project gets adapted for commercial use, it's because it is a reliable product. This often results in financial support come back down to the "volunteers" on the project. All the open source products I assist clients with lead to me making a donation to said project on behalf of the client, as a percentage of my consultancy fee or SLA.

I have been toying with Jellyfin for almost 3 years now... it has huge potential. I educate people on the value of open source for their business life and their personal life. Just recently I converted a social media marketing guy to Debian, and he is now thrilled.

Closing off the commercial aspect is not wise, as many larger companies will want paid for support. There is a huge market that is untapped. And at the same time, the project can keep to it's free and open ethos.

That being said, I am not asking help to set up my server. That is already in the nutshell. I am stumped with this one video. Which in the future, this post could have helped someone else with their home setup.

I will attend back to the documentation and play around with various options. Sadly I do not see any guidance coming from here.

You may delete this post, but I ask you to please not ban my account, I will comply to the rules and keep business out of it.

Again, sincere apologies to all.

RE: Not all videos displaying - Ze'ev Schurmann - 2023-07-06

Just for the record, for anyone who does come across this.

I created a new library with a new media folder, and this time I disabled realtime monitoring. I copied the course across as it was in the faulty library... I then manually scanned the library (of course you can schedule this for when your server is not busy).

All the videos are now there. Nothing is missing.

So going forward, I will not be using realtime monitoring as it seems to be a bit borky. Also noticed some of my Series are not loading either. Haven't checked my other content, but I will do this across the board.

All in all, I can't complain. The amount of value JF has brought me personally, cannot be quantified.

RE: Not all videos displaying - skribe - 2023-07-06

(2023-07-06, 12:02 AM)Ze'ev Schurmann Wrote: I do apologise.

I meant no offence...

The reality is, when an open source project gets adapted for commercial use, it's because it is a reliable product. This often results in financial support come back down to the "volunteers" on the project. All the open source products I assist clients with lead to me making a donation to said project on behalf of the client, as a percentage of my consultancy fee or SLA.

I have been toying with Jellyfin for almost 3 years now... it has huge potential. I educate people on the value of open source for their business life and their personal life. Just recently I converted a social media marketing guy to Debian, and he is now thrilled.

Closing off the commercial aspect is not wise, as many larger companies will want paid for support. There is a huge market that is untapped. And at the same time, the project can keep to it's free and open ethos.

That being said, I am not asking help to set up my server. That is already in the nutshell. I am stumped with this one video. Which in the future, this post could have helped someone else with their home setup.

I will attend back to the documentation and play around with various options. Sadly I do not see any guidance coming from here.

You may delete this post, but I ask you to please not ban my account, I will comply to the rules and keep business out of it.

Again, sincere apologies to all.

Hey, Ze'ev,

Just to be clear: You're not in any danger of being banned here and you didn't do anything wrong. I honestly suspect that Venson sort of misread your objectives here. We often get questions from people who are trying to set up what basically amounts to a commercial piracy operation using Jellyfin as a backend. Providing support for those gets exhausting.

Jellyfin is FOSS, and commercial use is absolutely permitted by the license--other legal concerns notwithstanding. It is, generally speaking, up to individual members of the community whether or not they wish to support such uses--but it's by no means prohibited to ask or to answer such queries in official support channels. I do suspect that there might be a number of people who resent being asked to support operations that make other people money, but that's an individual concern and not a concern of the community as a whole. There is, again, no rule against it.

In any case, it sounds like you've found solutions to your problems here, and that's great. Feel free to ask for any additional support you need, and other community members are free to contribute or not.