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SOLVED: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - Printable Version

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upcoming tab for tv shows not working - C2gl - 2023-11-28

hello everyone, 
i have been struggling with this one for a while but can't seem to get it to work, 

i have a shows and also a series folder, they have a "upcoming" tab, in witch i should see the upcomming episodes for the series that are inside of said folders, 
but i only see one error message (see attached error message) 

online i had found that i had to add the TVDB plugin and have it as my main metadata fetcher, and even after doing so and restarting everything, it still doesn't seem to work, does anyone have a clue ?

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-28

did you enable "Missing Episode Fetcher" in your library config?

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - FireSale - 2023-11-28

Folder Structure: Ensure that your "shows" and "series" folders have correct naming and organization. Jellyfin relies on proper folder structures to identify content.

Metadata Fetcher: Set TVDB as the main metadata fetcher in Jellyfin. This plugin fetches information like upcoming episodes. Verify its configuration and recheck settings.

Refresh Metadata: Trigger a metadata refresh for the affected series. This process updates and retrieves new information, including upcoming episodes.

Library Scanning: Run a full library scan. Sometimes, new content isn't recognized until a library scan is performed, which updates Jellyfin's database.

Logs & Error Messages: Check Jellyfin's logs for any error messages or warnings. They often provide clues about what's failing in the metadata retrieval process.

Community Assistance: If the issue persists, seek help from Jellyfin's community forums. Others might have faced similar problems and could offer specific solutions or insights.

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - C2gl - 2023-11-28

(2023-11-28, 12:10 AM)tmsrxzar Wrote: did you enable "Missing Episode Fetcher" in your library config?

where can i find this ?
i can't seem to find the setting 

i went to "libraries -> the folder i need to enable it for -> it doesn't seem to be there (see screen captures)

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-28

from the images above; top row, 3rd and 4th from the left "Missing Episode Fetcher" under downloaders

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - C2gl - 2023-11-28

(2023-11-28, 03:56 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: from the images above; top row, 3rd and 4th from the left "Missing Episode Fetcher" under downloaders

i tried that, it was a plugin, but it said it was unsuported and didn't work xd

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - tmsrxzar - 2023-11-28

that's how it's "supposed to work"

i don't have any actively running shows on my server to test with all of them have already ended; perhaps this is just another non-working leftover from emby like trailers

RE: upcoming tab for tv shows not working - C2gl - 2023-11-28

Alright xd

im stupid

even tho its marked as unsuported, activating it solved the issue

so for everyone encountering this in the future, here it is to sum it up

downloud the plugin for the TVDB and do not modify the per default API
download the "download missing eppisode" plugin

set the TVDB plugin as your number one source for the metadata fetchers and the "missing eppisode" as second priority

and then, if you do this in an already excisting library, force replace all excisting metadata, and that did the trick for me

(2023-11-28, 04:48 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: that's how it's "supposed to work"

i don't have any actively running shows on my server to test with all of them have already ended; perhaps this is just another non-working leftover from emby like trailers

thank you very much tho, because after some fidgetting, it did work !