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SOLVED: Playback Error - Client isn't compatible with media - Printable Version

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Playback Error - Client isn't compatible with media - S7ewie - 2023-12-24

Hi all,

Recently set up Jellyfin on my Unraid server using the linxserver container.

Generally all working well, I've got lots of 4K HVEC movies and they're all playing perfectly in the Jellyfin windows client but in browser, on my TV and on my phone I keep getting the following error:

Playback Error

This client isn't compatible with the media and the server isn't sending a compatible media format.

I presume this points to a transcoding issue? How can I test if this is working? I have an intel i5-12400 which has Quick Sync. I've added a device with the path /dev/dri to the container parameters as advised in the linuxserver docs. I have it enabled in Jellyfin too. I've also installed intel-gpu-top but everything is sitting at 0%, not sure if this is to be expected when not transcoding but nothing happens when its supposed to be either so I imagine I've got it configured wrong.

Any advice?

RE: Playback Error - Client isn't compatible with media - Serge K - 2023-12-24

in settings of Jellyfin server find Dashboard - Playback - Transcoding - Hardware acceleration

RE: Playback Error - Client isn't compatible with media - S7ewie - 2023-12-24

(2023-12-24, 02:03 PM)Serge K Wrote: in settings of Jellyfin server find Dashboard - Playback - Transcoding - Hardware acceleration

Yep, got that set to "Intel QuickSync (QSV)"

RE: Playback Error - Client isn't compatible with media - S7ewie - 2023-12-24

Solved, needed to add environmental variable
