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SOLVED: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - Printable Version

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Playback error on 10-bit h264 - duckrental - 2024-01-19

When I attempt to watch certain videos encoded as 10-bit h264 via a Roku (client version 2.0.2, issue occurs on multiple devices), I get a playback error. Since no ffmpeg log is being created, I'm pretty sure that it's incorrectly trying to direct-play the file, and failing because Roku doesn't support 10-bit h264. How can I fix this?

Server is version 10.8.13, running on Ubuntu, installed from the official repositories.

Relevant portion of the Jellyfin logs:

MediaInfo of affected file:
And of another:
And of one that is NOT affected, and works fine:

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-19

Can you share screenshots of Dashboard > Playback? And what are your server specs?

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - duckrental - 2024-01-19

Screenshots attached. The server is an i5-3330 with 8 GB of RAM.

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - tmsrxzar - 2024-01-19

fwiw roku did determine transcoding was needed
"PlayMethod=Transcode, TranscodeReason=VideoProfileNotSupported, VideoBitDepthNotSupported"

the missing portions of the log may indicate why that transcode did not happen or what it was transcoded to

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-19

You should be able to use VAAPI for hardware acceleration. Not sure if that will make a difference.

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - duckrental - 2024-01-19

(2024-01-19, 06:15 PM)tmsrxzar Wrote: fwiw roku did determine transcoding was needed
"PlayMethod=Transcode, TranscodeReason=VideoProfileNotSupported, VideoBitDepthNotSupported"

the missing portions of the log may indicate why that transcode did not happen or what it was transcoded to

I don't see anything, but here's the full log file just in case:

A failed playback starts at 10:19 at line 146; a successful playback starts at 10:15, at line 110.

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-19

Have you tried setting up VAAPI hardware acceleration?

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - duckrental - 2024-01-19

(2024-01-19, 07:23 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Have you tried setting up VAAPI hardware acceleration?

I have tried and have been unable to complete the instructions at

Step 8 of configuration, checking the OpenCL runtime status, fails with "Failed to set value 'opencl@va' for option 'init_hw_device': No such device"

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - TheDreadPirate - 2024-01-19

openCL is not going to be available on your iGPU. But that is only important for HDR tone mapping, which your iGPU can't do anyway. But it should still be able to do plain transcoding with VAAPI if all the prior steps were ok.

RE: Playback error on 10-bit h264 - duckrental - 2024-01-19

Okay, skipping the OpenCL parts, I have hardware transcoding running, but the issue remains.