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SOLVED: Mobile App with NGINX - Printable Version

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Mobile App with NGINX - Tchernobil71 - 2024-02-05


I have configure Jellyfin on Ubuntu 22.04 and have no problem on local aera.
I have configure NGINX reverse proxy with let's encrypt certificat for give an external acces with the port 443. I have test with mozilla and have no problem to connect (no certificat alert). But mobile application (android/ios/TV) don't connect. I have random acces with the ios app but can't always be connect. I have no error juste can not connect... I think it's proxy redirection not work correctly or timeout connexion but can't find a solution.
It's work with mobile browser (safari).

Thank you for your help.

RE: Mobile App with NGINX - mikesulsenti - 2024-02-05

If you're using a domain name to connect, make sure you're not putting a forward slash on the Server URL in the client. Try this and see if it fixes the issue

RE: Mobile App with NGINX - Tchernobil71 - 2024-02-05

Thanks for your help.

I have test with and without the forward slash but it always not connect

RE: Mobile App with NGINX - mikesulsenti - 2024-02-05

Can you post your NGINX config file. Using a pastebin and linking it would be preferred

RE: Mobile App with NGINX - Tchernobil71 - 2024-02-07

I finally found my problem, it was the IPV6 activation on my DNS. It's all right after shut off this.

Thanks for your help