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password - Printable Version

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password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-20

i have been having a hard time reseting jellyfin password in my Truenas scale server, Its installed in ix-applications i don't know how to access it. I tried getting to my jellyfin shell i couldn't I need to get back in please help!

RE: password - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-20

If you don't have shell access, do you have access to the jellyfin container's data files?

Stop jellyfin
Edit /config/config/system.xml

Change IsStartupWizardCompleted from true to false
save, quit
start jellyfin

This will bring up the setup wizard again. You can reset your admin username and password. Leave everything else as is.

RE: password - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-02-20

What version of Truenas Scale are you using?

Go to your app section with the running Jellyfin container, then look around and open its own shell. Not the system shell, but the container's own shell.

Side note first. While opening the shell, if your container's user has the correct permissions, under the "commands" line option you can replace the "/bin/sh" to any other shell type you like or are familiar with (ex: /bin/bash).

Once you're in the shell, use linux commands to navigate to the file(s) you need. Keep in mind that the app's shell is contained. The shell will only see what you allowed it to see from your system. If you try to copy one of the files outside of the container, you will need to set up a host path first before the app's shell can directly copy to it.

If all you're trying to do is read what the json file contains after you run the "forgot password" option on Jellyfin, just find that file, then use the "cat" command.
Example: cat <file-to-print-to-screen>
(2024-02-20, 06:07 AM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: If you don't have shell access, do you have access to the jellyfin container's data files?
I just want to point out that with Truenas Scale, installing apps onto it (Jellyfin in this case) will require you to use Kubernetes from the system shell to access the contained files from a container.
That or use the built-in shell from the apps page.

Deploying apps on TN Scale doesn't provide you a direct way of accessing the internal files unless you strictly create an external host path and mount that to the app.
Since OP (@BigzyLarge) is having a hard time finding his files, he most likely didn't externally mount the Jellyfin config folder and just let Scale handle all of that.

As how Truenas currently is, it's not exactly beginner friendly with these types of things. Especially since it doesn't have a built-in file browser of sorts. It expects users to mainly create shares to access/store data from another computer, or use the system shell.

RE: password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-20

@Efficient_Good_5784 What version of Truenas Scale are you using? TrueNAS-SCALE-

RE: password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-20

If you don't have shell access, do you have access to the jellyfin container's data files? honestly im not sure but i dont think so. @TheDreadPirate

RE: password - TheDreadPirate - 2024-02-20

Without shell or filesystem access, there isn't much we can do. But I have a hard time believing you can't access either. At a bare minimum, the file system with some sort of browser or command line to TrueNAS.

RE: password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-21

i got into the shell of jellyfin, but i'm having issues with the commands, i tried the ones you gave me i know they should work. I can admit it's all user error.

RE: password - Efficient_Good_5784 - 2024-02-21

In that shell, try using the following commands:
  • ls -l {To print items in current directory. -l flag to display it in a list with info}
  • cd <directory to move into> {cd "change directory" will allow you to move around directories}
  • cat <filename> {prints out a file to the screen}

RE: password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-21

thanks loads im gonna try that but look at this, i think it's saying i don't have permission. But please confirm for me please, thanks    

RE: password - BigzyLarge - 2024-02-21

this is where i am, whit CAT, do i use the jellyfin name or the set of letters and numbers infront?