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SOLVED: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - Printable Version

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Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - ovingiv - 2024-05-14

So I updated Jellyfin from 10.8.12 to 10.9.1. Didn't shutdown the service before I did but manually restarted both Jellyfin and Nginx to come to my web address changing from to "". Trying to use the original redirects it to "" and just shows a 404 page.

With that the desktop app is a little weird as it shows the older 10.8.12 dashboard in the settings area and I can't change anything to have it save. 

The android app refuses to connect entirely. Even after clearing all data, cache and reinstalling the app. But loading through the web browser works under the new address.

Latest log shows this when trying to connect to Jellyfin with the app.

[2024-05-14 02:40:31.553 -05:00] [WRN] "~": External request received, no matching external bind address found, trying internal addresses.

[2024-05-14 02:40:31.553 -05:00] [WRN] "~": External request received, but no external interface found. Need to route through internal network.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

Can you share your full Jellyfin log?

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - ovingiv - 2024-05-14

Here are the last two log files.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

1) You need to update jellyfin-ffmpeg. It looks like you are still using 5.1.4
sudo apt install jellyfin-ffmpeg6

2) Your server looks fine otherwise.

What address are you typing into your Android client? If you haven't set any subdomains in the Jellyfin config or reverse proxy you should just be providing the address and port. I think what you are seeing in the browser are redirects that don't apply to Android.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - ovingiv - 2024-05-14

I'm typing in It would go to the next loading screen where it would show "use a different server" then go back to the connect to server page stating "Connection cannot be established". Tried using a vpn and try connecting locally. Nada.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

What version of the Android app are you running?

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - ovingiv - 2024-05-14

Version 2.6.1. It's the latest on the Play Store unless the github has one that I could compile.
Here's a video of what happens.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

Are you using a self signed cert?

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - ovingiv - 2024-05-14

No I am using one from cloudflare.

RE: Android app doesn't load anymore. Plus web address changed after update - TheDreadPirate - 2024-05-14

Are you also using Cloudflare tunnels?