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I can no longer record series - Printable Version

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I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20

tv guide is no longer working after upgrade to 

Setting up jellyfin-server (10.9.6+ubu2204) ...
Setting up jellyfin (10.9.6+ubu2204) ...

My xmltv.xml file is still being generated but for some reason nothing is appearing in my guide.   

What can I provide to help troubleshoot this issue?

Here is my xmltv.xml file.

Empty Guide screenshot.  I have deleted and readded the xmltv source and restarted service with no change.


RE: I can no longer record series - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-20

Can you share your full jellyfin log via pastebin?

RE: I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20

For some reason it is trying to connect to but should be connecting to instead.

RE: I can no longer record series - TheDreadPirate - 2024-06-20

Is that IP address defined in the xml? I can't download the file where I'm at so I wasn't able to look at it. Can you share the XML on pastebin since I can access that site?

RE: I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20

Ok, I think I figured out what is going on. I had to reboot my router recently. The detect hdhomerun tuner was not working for me so I had to manually enter the ip address to After the router reboot my router assigned this ip to my lg fridge. (That ain't going to work). I went into my router settings and reserved the current ipaddress for the hdhomerun tuner to so it never changes between router reboots, then delete and readd the tuner in the administration tab. After I did that and refreshed the router then click on refresh guide the guide is back. Hopefully on this latest update some of the guide wonkiness will be fixed.

Here is a somewhat useful guide for anyone else who wants a free xmltv.xml file

RE: I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20

Is there any way you can fix the issue with certain series not recording anymore?

For example, "Good Morning America", "The View" are no longer recognized as series and I must manually remember to record them every morning which defeats the purpose of automation.

This started happening about a month or two ago. (I don't have time to review all the code commits in that time frame).  It was not a problem before. 

The xmltv.xml file I am currently using can be downloaded here....  It appears to be too large for pastebin to handle.

RE: I can no longer record series - theguymadmax - 2024-06-20

I have an open PR  that if merged will fix this issue.

RE: I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20


Here is a test entry for what it is worth.

<programme start="20240621183000 -0400" stop="20240621190000 -0400" channel="">
<title lang="en">ABC World News Tonight With David Muir</title>
<desc lang="en">The latest news from America, as reported by the ABC television network.</desc>
<category lang="en">News</category>
<category lang="en">Series</category>
<length units="minutes">30</length>
<icon src="" />
<episode-num system="dd_progid">EP01949416.3295</episode-num>
<new />
<subtitles type="teletext" />

RE: I can no longer record series - grumpycat - 2024-06-20

If anyone wants to walk me through building this I can try testing it locally and see the behavior.

RE: I can no longer record series - theguymadmax - 2024-06-20

Here's a Python script that should help you out until there's a merged fix. It inserts dummy season and episode numbers into the xml file for shows that are missing it, which will allow you to record them as a series. It's not perfect but it should do the job.

1. Install Python if you don't already have it.
2. save code as tvguidefix .py
3. go to the directory and chmod +x
4. excute code ./
5. program will prompt you for location of xml file

Once you have the new file, go into your dashboard and delete (not refresh) the old xml data. Then re-import it.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def update_episode_numbers(xml_file):
    tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()
    episode_num_common = 1
    episode_num_xmltv = 1
    for programme in root.findall('programme'):
        common_found = False
        xmltv_found = False
        for episode_num in programme.findall('episode-num'):
            system = episode_num.get('system')
            if system == 'common':
                common_found = True
            elif system == 'xmltv_ns':
                xmltv_found = True
        if not common_found:
            new_common = ET.Element('episode-num')
            new_common.set('system', 'common')
            new_common.text = f"S01E{episode_num_common:02}"
            episode_num_common += 1
        if not xmltv_found:
            new_xmltv = ET.Element('episode-num')
            new_xmltv.set('system', 'xmltv_ns')
            new_xmltv.text = f"01.{episode_num_xmltv:02}."
            episode_num_xmltv += 1
    tree.write(xml_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    xml_file = input("Enter the path to the XML file: ").strip()
    print(f"Updated {xml_file} successfully.")