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SOLVED: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - Printable Version

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Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - jmvbrown - 2024-07-09


Everything was working fine up until today. Now whenever I play a video, my Jellyfin Container stops and I'm not sure why.

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-09

Can you share your full jellyfin logs via pastebin?

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - jmvbrown - 2024-07-10

So I traced it back and it seems when it starts scanning the library, jellyfin crashes. It is saying that it can't read anything in /media/1080p Movies/ but I have changed nothing and now it can't read that folder.


RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-10

Can you describe your setup? Is the drive in question an external hard drive or something? Or a network drive?

Run this command.

cat /proc/mounts

Share the output.

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - jmvbrown - 2024-07-10

I have 3 drives set up in a NAS that Jellyfin is also running on so internal. I removed the folder /media/1080p Movies/ to see if that changed anything and the scan got hung up at a different part and crashed Jellyfin.

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-10

A drive unmounting or becoming inaccessible shouldn't cause a crash. But I see that you have a bunch of plugins installed and I have seen plugins cause crashes. I'd try removing them all and adding them back one by one.

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - jmvbrown - 2024-07-10

So I uninstalled all of them, but it is still crashing on scan all libraries. I've attached a new pastebin, but not sure it shows anything...


RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-10

Are you restricting how much RAM the container is allowed to have?

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - jmvbrown - 2024-07-10

I am not restricting the ram at all

RE: Jellyfin Stops when anything is played. - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-10

Are there any watchdogs that could be resetting the container? There is literally nothing in the jellyfin log to indicate there is any problem with Jellyfin.