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JMP Connection Failure - Printable Version

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JMP Connection Failure - GKNByNW - 2024-07-12

Hi, all!

I'm having what seems to be a common problem with connecting JMP to a server on my local network. The Jellyfin Media Player client (latest version) on my local Win10 machine connects to my Hetzner server via URL with no issue and streams perfectly, but will not connect to the server on my local network. Local server is a repurposed Gen6 ProLiant (with way more CPU and RAM than I need but parts are cheap lol) running Ubuntu Server 22.04 with the latest versions of JF server. When trying to add it to Jellyfin Media Player, I've tried reaching it on both the ProLiant's NIC addresses using all the possibilities:

https://192.168.x.x/jellyfin (JF was installed through Swizzin, which creates the "/jellyfin" link so you don't have to use the port number)

but none of these permutations produced results. As my situation is same as/similar to the OPs of these threads:

I have tried, both separately and together, the solutions presented there but to no avail. Unlike one of the posters of the above threads, I can connect just fine through the browser on my Samsung phone. Having to use web browser vs JMP isn't a deal-breaker by any means, but it is an annoyance. Any further thoughts or ideas that I could pursue? All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

RE: JMP Connection Failure - TheDreadPirate - 2024-07-12

Looking at their script, they are REQUIRING HTTPS and they are using a self-signed cert.

And how you access Jellyfin depends on whether nginx is also running? If not, https://192.168.X.X:8920. If you are, https://192.168.X.X/jellyfin.

You may also need to open ports in the host firewall. 8920 if you aren't running nginx, 443 if you are. I don't see anything in their scripts that automatically opens the firewall.