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SOLVED: Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported - Printable Version

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Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported - pyjong - 2024-08-20


Long story short, when I type in domain (to my local Jellyfin server) into Jellyfin AndroidTV app I get the "Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported.". So I guess my question is, what is the oldest Jellyfin server version the AndroidTV Jellyfin app 0.17.3 accepts?

Long story long, I have a machine with Rocky Linux and I run Jellyfin on that physical machine. This server machine is assigned it's domain name from local DNS server. I also use nginx on the server machine for reverse proxy. Nginx also deals with ssl. I have my own CA. Nginx forwards all http to https when accessed from user-agents like mozilla, edge, chrome, safari, otherwise http stays http. That means the AndroidTV app stays http.

What works:
HTTPS access from Brave browser from my desktop. No sweat, this works perfectly.
HTTP access from some noname knock off browser on AndroidTV.
HTTPS access from Safari on my iPhone. (The phone has my CA installed).

What doesn't work but I don't care as much:
The iPhone Jellyfin app.

What doesn't work and I can cry my eyes out  Crying-loudly-face :
The AndroidTV app via HTTP or HTTPS

For HTTPS it just says 'cant connect'. (expectedly, given CA is not installed)
For HTTP it says Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported.

When tried from the AndroidTV app in nginx access log I get  "GET /System/Info/Public HTTP/1.1" 200 209 337 0.002 0.002 "-" "Ktor client" and that's it no more communication. It kind of seems like it really doesn't like the version. I tried making this request with curl and it returned pretty much normal system info json.

I'd still like to say I love this SW despite my little issue here. It's so well made!

Erm, what do you think?

RE: Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported - TheDreadPirate - 2024-08-20

You have to upgrade to 10.9.X since 10.8.13 is the last iteration of 10.8. In the near future, none of our clients will support 10.8.X. Android TV was just the first to do so. I don't have an iPhone, but I wasn't aware of any changes to the Jellyfin Mobile app that would break backwards compatibility. Or are you using Swiftfin?

The Jellyfin Project does not build RPM packages anymore, but there are community built packages on rpmfusion.

The problem is that they are all for Fedora. Read this thread starting at the linked post.

Essentially, RHEL and RHEL clones are out of luck due to the reasons stated in that thread.

RE: Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported - pyjong - 2024-08-21

I see, thank you, that's an important piece of information.

So I sideloaded an older version of Jellyfin app aand it works just nicely. For the time being this pretty much solves my problem. Thanks a lot.

RE: Server uses version 10.8.13 which is not supported - h_of_h - 2024-09-20

(2024-08-21, 04:48 AM)pyjong Wrote: I see, thank you, that's an important piece of information.

So I sideloaded an older version of Jellyfin app aand it works just nicely. For the time being this pretty much solves my problem. Thanks a lot.

Could you share how you sideloaded it and where you grabbed the package? My firetv is stuck in the same boat.