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Forcing DVD order on metadata crawlers - Printable Version

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Forcing DVD order on metadata crawlers - emperorjimmu - 2023-09-06


So I'm a fairly new user with Jellyfin, and I love it! I am ordering my fairly big collection with it. I have come to a few minor issues, mostly regarding anime.

So I'm currently tangling with the Monogatari Series. The crawlers insist on looking at the default / TV episode sorting, but what I have is the DVD order, how can I enforce it?

Thanks in advance,
The first emperor

RE: Forcing DVD order on metadata crawlers - bitmap - 2023-09-06

Edit the item using the kebab menu (three vertical dots) > Edit Metadata. 


Change what you want, remove any excess data that might cause issues, and then you need to lock the item. This option is at the bottom of the metadata editor modal. 


You can also try other plugins to pull in different metadata for anime, some folks have had success with alternate providers, but I have seen more people with headaches and disasters. If you choose to opt for a plugin, disable all of the other metadata providers so that you have a single authoritative source for metadata for the series/library.

RE: Forcing DVD order on metadata crawlers - emperorjimmu - 2023-09-06

Will try, thanks