2024-02-03, 11:50 PM
I've attached the log that was generated from running that command.
repack-file.txt (Size: 11.65 KB / Downloads: 43)
Out of curiosity, I put the outputFile.mkv into my Jellyfin library just to see what would happen. It took 15 seconds to load, but it started to play in ExoPlayer and the subtitles were burned in correctly. Additionally, only one transcode log was generated as opposed to the multiple I would usually see while it was attempting to start. I'll attach the log.
exo-success-outputFile.txt (Size: 48.9 KB / Downloads: 54)
After that successfully played, I tried to play the original file. It did the same thing as it usually does and just continually attempted to transcode before I backed out of the player. I've attached one example of the many transcode logs it generated.
exo-unsuccessful-original.txt (Size: 23.64 KB / Downloads: 39)
I then tried to play the outputFile.mkv again, but it would not play. It started to do the same thing the original file did. Here is one of the many logs it generated.
exo-unsuccessful-outputFile.txt (Size: 23.51 KB / Downloads: 34)
After this, I unchecked the "Allow encoding in HEVC" option and tried again. This time both files played just fine and generated only one transcode log per file, but it took awhile for them to load. While they were loading, I checked the Dashboard to see what Jellyfin was reporting, and while they were loading, it reported that both files were "Direct Playing". When ExoPlayer started playing the file, that's when the Dashboard showed that the file was being transcoded. I've attached a log of the original file successfully playing.
exo-success-original.txt (Size: 86.04 KB / Downloads: 37)
Since unchecking this option seemed to help, I wanted to check "Allow encoding in HEVC" again to see if I can get it to fail. However, both files play just fine now. I can't make heads or tails of this, so I apologize for all of the logs. Does the server not pick up on the changes to the Playback section right away or is this just a red herring?

Out of curiosity, I put the outputFile.mkv into my Jellyfin library just to see what would happen. It took 15 seconds to load, but it started to play in ExoPlayer and the subtitles were burned in correctly. Additionally, only one transcode log was generated as opposed to the multiple I would usually see while it was attempting to start. I'll attach the log.

After that successfully played, I tried to play the original file. It did the same thing as it usually does and just continually attempted to transcode before I backed out of the player. I've attached one example of the many transcode logs it generated.

I then tried to play the outputFile.mkv again, but it would not play. It started to do the same thing the original file did. Here is one of the many logs it generated.

After this, I unchecked the "Allow encoding in HEVC" option and tried again. This time both files played just fine and generated only one transcode log per file, but it took awhile for them to load. While they were loading, I checked the Dashboard to see what Jellyfin was reporting, and while they were loading, it reported that both files were "Direct Playing". When ExoPlayer started playing the file, that's when the Dashboard showed that the file was being transcoded. I've attached a log of the original file successfully playing.

Since unchecking this option seemed to help, I wanted to check "Allow encoding in HEVC" again to see if I can get it to fail. However, both files play just fine now. I can't make heads or tails of this, so I apologize for all of the logs. Does the server not pick up on the changes to the Playback section right away or is this just a red herring?