2024-01-29, 08:57 PM
Ah, I did not notice that it couldn't match a profile, despite calling it correctly Viera.
Well, I copied over the system profile for Panasonic Viera, with slight adjustments, e.g. VIErA instead of Viera.
Now it matches the profile, but I still get 500s:
Playback for a h264.mp4 did work, but only if nothing is currently playing - if something is playing -> 500. That's unexpected behaviour?
Well, I copied over the system profile for Panasonic Viera, with slight adjustments, e.g. VIErA instead of Viera.
Now it matches the profile, but I still get 500s:
[2024-01-29 21:38:15.847 +01:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Dlna.Main.DlnaEntryPoint: StreamBuilder.BuildVideoItem( Profile="58GX800_Series", Path="h264.1080p.mkv", AudioStreamIndex=null, SubtitleStreamIndex=null ) => ( PlayMethod=DirectPlay, TranscodeReason=0 ) "media:/videos/3ad0a945-f6cf-e6f8-274a-4c72c4ebb3db/stream.mkv?MediaSourceId=3ad0a945f6cfe6f8274a4c72c4ebb3db&Static=true&VideoCodec=h264&AudioCodec=aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&api_key=<token>&Tag=17e54f9632b68b3d5ecea0efc0431e11"
[2024-01-29 21:38:15.858 +01:00] [ERR] [12] Jellyfin.Server.Middleware.ExceptionMiddleware: Error processing request. URL "POST" "/Sessions/e6ce447666953f032f7df6cbd2c4e739/Playing".
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).
Playback for a h264.mp4 did work, but only if nothing is currently playing - if something is playing -> 500. That's unexpected behaviour?