2024-01-31, 10:06 PM
(2024-01-31, 09:35 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: Do you have global bitrate restrictions? I don't see any video bit rates in that log and I wonder if that is causing transcoding. Some clients (Android TV) can ask for transcoding.
FWIW, the Jellyfin snap package is not created or maintained by jellyfin.org. So I'm wondering if that version is just broken. Are you willing to give the official debian package install a try? We have a script to automate the entire install process. You would need to stop the snap version since there would be a port conflict.
Code:curl https://repo.jellyfin.org/install-debuntu.sh | sudo bash
Actually, I initially installed that version. I can't remember the exact issue, I think for some reason the web/html related files were not in the correct path or something(been a bit since messed with that). Yea, I'll try it again. I can also try the bitrate thing, I don't necessarily understand why that would override choosing not to transcode(but heh, I've seen crazier things).
One thing I don't like about the snap version is that if you try to restart from Web GUI it won't restart. I believe it is using systemctl at an attempt to restart and I believe you actually have to restart snap stuff through snap(or at least that's how I'm able to restart the server). Ex: sudo snap restart itrue<whatever the rest of the name is>.
I'll disable the snap version and try to reinstall the regular debian based one.