2024-02-01, 11:15 PM
(2024-02-01, 02:52 PM)wkearney99 Wrote: Many of these projects have a lot of code layers when it comes to transcoding. Too many layers, possibly, and definitely too few users/developers that can really tear into the details. It's not a new thing, this has been a problem for almost all media handling systems. Too many variables and a whole lot of "we don't know how/why it works, and we're not prepared to screw around with it at this time". Not saying that's a good thing, just something I've observed over the years.
The issue I'm having is that stuff just isn't playing. Someone remote will try to play something, and it will say it's fine to direct stream. The bit rates will be like 1/10 of what we have them set as max. on both ends. The client will say nothing. It will just try to play something a few times and give up. The logs show no reason why this is happening. The only thing it shows is...
[2024-01-30 17:59:24.337 -05:00] [WRN] WS "IPADDRESS" error receiving data: "The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close handshake."
...after the client attempts to play something multiple times. Just says "playback stopped reported by app." We also can't figure out why stuff below a certain bit rate was playing, but it would force a transcode above like 1/10 our set max bandwidth. I was thinking possibly ISP detection and throttling, but I'm not willing to buy an SSL certificate to just to be proven wrong.