2024-05-14, 02:54 PM
I am not seeing the error "Invalid quality value" error message anymore, but it appears that it isn't able to read files in "/data/tvshowsa". The "a" at the end isn't a typo. Can you double check the library path and permissions.
IMO, this looks like a permissions/invalid path issue since it affects pretty much everything in /data/tvshowsa.
[2024-05-14 15:38:15.638 +02:00] [INF] [6] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Trickplay generation: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -loglevel error -init_hw_device vaapi=va:/dev/dri/renderD128,driver=iHD -noautorotate -i file:\"/data/tvshowsa/[wozzy]SG DL PCM DTS Ssub 1080-10bit 25 OVA(AL)/Steins.Gate.25.OVA.BD.1080p.10bit.DL.PCM.DTS-wozzy.mkv\" -an -sn -vf \"fps=0.10000000149011612,setparams=color_primaries=bt709:color_trc=bt709:colorspace=bt709,scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*a)\,320)/2)*2:trunc(ow/a/2)*2,format=nv12,hwupload_vaapi\" -threads 1 -c:v mjpeg_vaapi -qscale:v 4 -f image2 \"/config/cache/temp/c7d82cca50a84d80bdd022ffa32174df/%08d.jpg\""
[2024-05-14 15:38:16.229 +02:00] [ERR] [6] Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Trickplay.TrickplayManager: Error creating trickplay images.
System.ArgumentException: Can't create trickplay from 0 images.
IMO, this looks like a permissions/invalid path issue since it affects pretty much everything in /data/tvshowsa.