2024-08-09, 11:39 PM
Have you tried adding external subtitles? ATV will load external subs first. If you’re interested in this approach, here’s a quick PowerShell script to create dummy .srt files.
To run:
1. Create a new file, paste contents into the file, and name it something with a .ps1 extension, e.g., CreateSRTFiles.ps1
2. Open PowerShell and run the script by navigating to its location in PowerShell and executing it with .\CreateSRTFiles.ps1.
3. Enter the path to the directory when prompted. The script will scan through your directory and create a dummy srt file for each mp4 file it finds.
To run:
1. Create a new file, paste contents into the file, and name it something with a .ps1 extension, e.g., CreateSRTFiles.ps1
2. Open PowerShell and run the script by navigating to its location in PowerShell and executing it with .\CreateSRTFiles.ps1.
3. Enter the path to the directory when prompted. The script will scan through your directory and create a dummy srt file for each mp4 file it finds.
# Prompt the user for a directory
$directory = Read-Host "Enter the path to the directory you want to scan"
# Check if the directory exists
if (-Not (Test-Path $directory)) {
Write-Host "The directory does not exist. Please check the path and try again."
# Get all .mp4 files recursively
$mp4Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Recurse -Filter *.mp4
# Loop through each .mp4 file found
foreach ($file in $mp4Files) {
# Define the .en.srt file path
$srtFilePath = "$($file.DirectoryName)\$($file.BaseName).en.srt"
# Create the .srt file with the specified content
$content = "1`r`n00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000"
Set-Content -Path $srtFilePath -Value $content
Write-Host "Dummy .srt files with content have been created for all .mp4 files in the directory."