2024-10-03, 04:13 PM
These options don't exist for me "inside a collection". I mean, if i just click on the "collections" category yeah, i can change the view of the collections, but i'm talking about once you actually click on a specific collection. for instance Marvel Cinematic Universe Collection. there's like 30+ titles in that collection and the way the films are displayed is just a long horizontal line of small posters. you have to just keep scrolling from left to right to get to the ones at the end. there's no gear icon in the top right to change the size of the posters or the option to have the posters in a vertical grid. i don't understand why they would have options everywhere to change this and then force you into a specific view inside the collection itself. it looks perfectly fine viewing it on the web app and using Infuse, but on the Android TV app, it's terrible.