2024-10-29, 11:58 AM
(2024-10-11, 06:33 PM)BourbonDoc Wrote: Good thought! Unfortunately didn't work. I tried 389 as well as the webUI port for the port, as well as trying the domain name for the server address. I suspect I've got some sort of issue with what I'm putting as the IP.
LDAP Outpost is my verified domain, auth.x.x
LDAP server in Jellyfin is server IP
Port I've tried 389 and my webUI port
I can see a container running the LDAP with 389 published. I tried the container IP address as well and that didn't work.
I had a similar issue when configuring and what I've done is to set the Provider Certificate as 'authentik Self-Signed Certificate' and then used port 636 for https and checked the Skip SSL/TLS Verification. For the IP just use your server's main IP. Also I preferred to use the tutorial available on the Authentik Jellyfin Configuration Guide with the steps available on Create an LDAP provider because I have a newer version of Authentik than what the OP mentioned and to verify the installation at the end I've used this line of code (for ubuntu):
ldapsearch \
-x \
-H ldap://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:389 \ #enter your own host IP address
-D "cn=ldapservice,ou=users,DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io" \
-b 'DC=ldap,DC=goauthentik,DC=io' \
'(objectClass=user)' \
-W \ #enter the password for the ldapservice user
Hope this helps you out! Cheers!