2024-11-29, 05:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 2024-11-29, 05:26 PM by kodiuser. Edited 1 time in total.)
I have been playing and sorted it with PowerShell. Copy this into a new file (Jellyfin_Fix.ps1) and execute it.
It will scan all your libraries that are of type "tvshow" and output a proper PowerShell object with the relevant details.
Just remember to add your API key and User ID at the bottom where indicated.
It will scan all your libraries that are of type "tvshow" and output a proper PowerShell object with the relevant details.
Just remember to add your API key and User ID at the bottom where indicated.
Function Get-TVLibrary {
Param (
$headers = @{}
$headers['X-MediaBrowser-Token'] = $authInfo.ApiKey
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($authInfo.Url)/Views" -Method Get -Headers $headers
ForEach ($item In ($response.Items | Sort-Object -Property 'Name')) {
If ($item.CollectionType -eq 'tvshows') {
[pscustomobject]@{'Id' = $item.Id; 'Name' = $item.Name}
Function Get-LibraryItem {
Param (
$headers = @{}
$headers['X-MediaBrowser-Token'] = $authInfo.ApiKey
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($authInfo.Url)/Items?=SortName%2CPath&ParentId=$LibraryId" -Method Get -Headers $headers
ForEach ($item In ($response.Items | Sort-Object -Property 'Name')) {
[pscustomobject]@{'Id' = $item.Id; 'Name' = $item.Name}
Function Get-Item {
Param (
$headers = @{}
$headers['X-MediaBrowser-Token'] = $authInfo.ApiKey
Return (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($authInfo.Url)/Items/$ItemId" -Method Get -Headers $headers)
Function Read-Library {
Param (
ForEach ($item In $Library) {
$shows = (Get-LibraryItem -authInfo $AuthInfo -LibraryId $item.Id)
ForEach ($show In $shows) {
$showItem = (Get-Item -authInfo $AuthInfo -ItemId $show.Id)
$showItem.Name = $showItem.Name.replace(':', '').replace('!', '').replace('/', ' ').replace('?', '').replace('&', 'And').replace('*', '.')
$showItem.Name = $showItem.Name.TrimEnd('.') # Synology Really does not like folder names that end with a dot (.)
$showPath = $showItem.Name
$origPath = ($showItem.Path).split('/')[-1]
If (-not $showItem.Name.EndsWith(')')) {
# Discard entries with year or language suffix. For exmaple: "TV Show (2024)" -or- "TV Show (Korean)"
$showPath = ($origPath) -replace "\s\((?:\d{4}|\w{1,})\)", ''
# If ($showPath -eq $origPath) { $origPath = '' }
If (($showItem.Name) -ine ($showPath)) {
'Library' = $Library.Name
'Jellyfin Title' = $showitem.Name
'Cleaned Title' = $showPath
'Original Title' = $origPath
$authInfo = @{
ApiKey = '3f5ab1e3a75b4830b25780cd0a772839'
Url = ''
Get-TVLibrary -authInfo $authInfo | ForEach-Object {
Read-Library -AuthInfo $authInfo -Library $_
} | Format-Table -AutoSize