I would skip further in. I've been using -ss 300 (five minutes into the media) to avoid detecting any intros. It's arbitrary, but you're less likely to get anything odd in this way. The example I found had cropdetect running for 10 minutes, likely to avoid situations like the edge case you describe. I would pick a length for -ss that is going to fit MOST cases. Considering skipping five or seven minutes into the media is unlikely to result in those odd aspect ratio or long intro problems and it's still short enough that you're not likely to hit something midway through. Even if you do, that's why uniq sorts and picks the most frequent value. Dunno if you've ever run cropdetect with full terminal output, but it's....verbose.
My go to is libsvtav1 if I have issues with HWA encoding. I ran this media through that and was happy with the results as far as size and quality. I've just not seen this sort of artifacting before...
(2024-12-04, 06:05 PM)TheDreadPirate Wrote: What is the full ffmpeg command you used?
And can you run this command and share the output?
Code:ffprobe -loglevel error -i "video.mkv" -select_streams v -show_entries stream -v quiet -of json
My go to is libsvtav1 if I have issues with HWA encoding. I ran this media through that and was happy with the results as far as size and quality. I've just not seen this sort of artifacting before...
Jellyfin 10.10.0 LSIO Docker | Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | i7-13700K | Arc A380 6 GB | 64 GB RAM | 79 TB Storage