2024-12-07, 04:37 PM
(2024-12-04, 03:36 PM)snowinrv2 Wrote: I have configured my TV Guide Data Providers for XMLTV to use an XML file with listings data that I generate once a day from SchedulesDirect using tv_grab_na_dd. There's 2 downsides to this approach:
1 - my generated listings file does not contain season and episode numbers so ignore duplicate recordings setting does not work.
2 - any recordings previously scheduled under the Schedules Direct configuration are ignored. I had to set up new recording schedules.
It's much cleaner to use the SchedulesDirect listing provider directly.
Thank you! I've also been able to get this method to work. I also observed the downsides you mentioned. Additionally (and it may be related to the first) some shows now are not available to record as a "Series" while others are.