2024-12-11, 07:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 2024-12-11, 07:33 PM by dje33. Edited 2 times in total.)
Font attachments in the file : OK
No Font attachments in the file : OK in 10.9.11 / NOK in 10.10.3
.ass with no font attachments
No Font attachments in the file : OK in 10.9.11 / NOK in 10.10.3
.ass with no font attachments
[Script Info]
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[V4+ Styles]
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Style: Default,sans-serif,71,&H00FFFFFF,&H00FFFFFF,&H000F0F0F,&H000F0F0F,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0.00,1,2,3,2,20,20,20,0
Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Actor, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:00:01.27,0:00:03.89,Default,,0,0,0,,Pourquoi est-on ici ?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:03.98,0:00:05.94,Default,,0,0,0,,Pour sortir.\NEtre ici, c'est sortir.