2025-01-12, 03:36 AM
You can try...
Replace the stream indices (last number in the -map calls) with whatever streams you desire. Note that MP4 does not support embedded subtitles. I'm also unsure whether Profile 7 is supported on LG TVs. Profile 8 is generally desired. The above should be a quick copy to MP4 and you can give that a try on your G4. I own a C1 and have had the same struggle. I don't do DV any longer, I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference.
ffmpeg -i "INFILE.mkv" -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c copy "OUTFILE.mp4"
Replace the stream indices (last number in the -map calls) with whatever streams you desire. Note that MP4 does not support embedded subtitles. I'm also unsure whether Profile 7 is supported on LG TVs. Profile 8 is generally desired. The above should be a quick copy to MP4 and you can give that a try on your G4. I own a C1 and have had the same struggle. I don't do DV any longer, I honestly couldn't tell much of a difference.
Jellyfin 10.10.3 LSIO Docker | Ubuntu 24.04 LTS | i7-13700K | Arc A380 6 GB | 64 GB RAM | 79 TB Storage