Today, 01:04 AM
Could you provide how you're naming the folders and files?
Also for automatic and correct metadata, Jellyfin needs you to separate TV shows from movies.
Metadata sources split movies away from tv shows, and Jellyfin determines to search for a movie or show based on the library type.
If you're using TheMovieDB (TMDB) as your default metadata provider for your anime library, you need to cross-reference the site and rename your seasons as how they appear on TMDB.
That includes removing anime movies and adding them to an "Anime Movies" library and redoing seasons if you added something to a series that TMDB considers not part of it.
As for anime metadata providers, there are multiple plugins for this such as AniDB and AniList.
If you want to use AniDB or AniList as the main source, you are expected to only fit one season per show.
Both AniDB and AniList separate seasons. They both treat seasons as a new show.
As an example, if you were using AniDB and you wanted to add season 1 & 2 of Attack on Titan to your server, you would have to add season 1 as one stand-alone show & season 2 as another.
TMDB on the other hand does fit seasons together under a single show, so if that's what you want, I would recommend you make TMDB the main one and disable the others.
As for image/artwork metadata, I would recommend you leave them all enabled just in case TMDB doesn't have some artwork that you want.
Also for automatic and correct metadata, Jellyfin needs you to separate TV shows from movies.
Metadata sources split movies away from tv shows, and Jellyfin determines to search for a movie or show based on the library type.
If you're using TheMovieDB (TMDB) as your default metadata provider for your anime library, you need to cross-reference the site and rename your seasons as how they appear on TMDB.
That includes removing anime movies and adding them to an "Anime Movies" library and redoing seasons if you added something to a series that TMDB considers not part of it.
As for anime metadata providers, there are multiple plugins for this such as AniDB and AniList.
If you want to use AniDB or AniList as the main source, you are expected to only fit one season per show.
Both AniDB and AniList separate seasons. They both treat seasons as a new show.
As an example, if you were using AniDB and you wanted to add season 1 & 2 of Attack on Titan to your server, you would have to add season 1 as one stand-alone show & season 2 as another.
TMDB on the other hand does fit seasons together under a single show, so if that's what you want, I would recommend you make TMDB the main one and disable the others.
As for image/artwork metadata, I would recommend you leave them all enabled just in case TMDB doesn't have some artwork that you want.