10 hours ago
Thanks for the answer.
I knew that for security reason I cannot change the ffmpeg path from the webUI and I was ok with that. However I tought that as root of my server I could change /etc/jellyfin/encoding.xml
Sorry but this seems an A p p l e move: "my dear user, I know better than you what you could do with your hardware: no option for you".
Can I use "/etc/systemd/system/jellyfin.service.d/override.conf" to pass --ffmpeg path to the Jellyfin executable?
What I have to change in ExecStart? Thanks
I knew that for security reason I cannot change the ffmpeg path from the webUI and I was ok with that. However I tought that as root of my server I could change /etc/jellyfin/encoding.xml
Sorry but this seems an A p p l e move: "my dear user, I know better than you what you could do with your hardware: no option for you".
Can I use "/etc/systemd/system/jellyfin.service.d/override.conf" to pass --ffmpeg path to the Jellyfin executable?
What I have to change in ExecStart? Thanks