2025-02-20, 06:45 PM
Intel 10100, $40 https://www.ebay.com/itm/387950493902?_s...R9bt_8mkZQ
Motherboard, $50
Case, get the cheapest one that has space for 3 drives, $50?
Power supply, cheap non-modular 600w, $50
Graphics for HW acceleration, Intel A310 or A380, $100
16GB of ddr4, $40?
ssd boot drive, patriot burst elite 128gb, $15?
CPU cooler, anything will work as long as it fits the LGA1200, $10
That puts you at $365, so $230 left for drives. For reference, three 4tb in raid5 will give you 8tb of usable storage.
Three 4tb WD Blue at $75 each, $225
Motherboard, $50
Case, get the cheapest one that has space for 3 drives, $50?
Power supply, cheap non-modular 600w, $50
Graphics for HW acceleration, Intel A310 or A380, $100
16GB of ddr4, $40?
ssd boot drive, patriot burst elite 128gb, $15?
CPU cooler, anything will work as long as it fits the LGA1200, $10
That puts you at $365, so $230 left for drives. For reference, three 4tb in raid5 will give you 8tb of usable storage.
Three 4tb WD Blue at $75 each, $225
OpenMandriva ROME
Ryzen 7600
Arc A380
x3 8TB hdd mdadm RAID5
Ryzen 7600
Arc A380
x3 8TB hdd mdadm RAID5